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Tip of the Week #34 - Identifying Upgraded Scrin Units

By X-Flame - 17th November 2008 - 20:56 PM

To close down the trilogy, we are now going to look at the upgrades of the evil alien race, the Scrin. One thing that should be noted about Scrin is that you can't see the upgrades the Scrin player has purchased on the tech buildings, unlike GDI or Nod.

Vanilla Scrin

Nerve Center

Attenuated Forcefields
The Attenuated Forcefields upgrade adds a shield to all of your Seekers and Gun Walkers/Shard Walkers. Both vanilla Scrin and Reaper-17 get this upgrade. This shield adds extra health to your affected units, and it is also able to absorb one hit from an EMP weapon. Visually it adds a shield around the Seeker and Gun Walker/Shard Walker, so you should have no problems whatsoever seeing it.

Stasis Chamber

Blink Packs
The Blink Packs upgrade upgrades all of your Shock Troopers with the ability to teleport themselves a reasonable distance. Note that Traveler-59 gets this upgrade for free. Visually it adds a small horn to the Shock Trooper.

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Shock Troopers without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the Blink Packs upgrade.

Plasma Disc Launchers
The Plasma Disc Launcher upgrade gives all of your Shock Troopers extra attack damage, as well as the ability to target air units. Visually it adds two small slices on their head.

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Shock Troopers without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the Plasma Disc Launchers upgrade.

Technology Assembler

Shard Launchers
The Shard Launchers upgrade gives all of your Seekers, Photon Cannons, and Plasma Missile Batteries a considerable damage boost. Visually it adds small green Tiberium pieces on the unit/defensive buildings.

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A Seeker, Photon Cannon, and Plasma Missile Battery without (upper picture) and with (lower picture) the Shard Launchers upgrade.

Forcefields Generators
The Forcefields Generators upgrade gives all of your Tripods, Devastator Warships, and Planetary Assault Carriers a shield. Alongside being able to take extra damage, this shield can absorb one direct EMP pulse. Visually it adds a shield all around the unit, so you should have no problems identifying it whatsoever.