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Tip of the Week #1 - Mechapede Micro

By Trojan. - 1st April 2008 - 04:38 AM

The Mechapede is a tier 3 addition to all Scrin factions in Kane's Wrath. The centipede-style unit starts off as an unarmed "head" and to be effective, the player must purchase segments (at the cost of $100 each), There are a total of 8 possible segments per mechapede which can be used to upgrade to any of the four available upgrades - Shard, Toxin, Disc and Disintegrator.

Segment Analysis

Shard Segment (Default Hotkey - CTRL+A) - Anti-Infantry
Toxin Segment (Default Hotkey - CTRL+S) - Anti-Structure, Scrin Unit Repair
Disc Segment (Default Hotkey - CTRL+D) - Anti-Air
Disintegrator Segment (Default Hotkey - CTRL+F) - Anti-Vehicle

These are the strengths of each upgrade as described by the EA tooltips. As usual, though, tooltips don't always give the best reflection on the real strengths and weaknesses. To understand why the Disintegrator segment is far better than any of the others, we first must understand the best environment for the Mechapede.

Mechapedes are essentially a hit and run base and tank harassment unit. Unless using them as a flank distraction against a small force, they are ineffective in defending an attack. This is because Mechapedes will perish very easily under heavy focus fire, and must be moving to away from attackers to avoid a very quick death. Mechapedes are at their best attacking stationary objects (buildings) or running from vehicles which are slower with a smaller range.

Therefore the perfect segment to fit this niche is the Disintegrator Segment, which is the strongest upgrade against both structures and vehicles, it is also quicker to engage a target than the Toxin segment. Due to their slow movement speed, infantry are only a minor issue for Mechapedes. Compounding with this is the fact shard segments are only slightly more effective at combating infantry than disintegrator segments, making them an undesirable segment choice.

This is not to say only ever use Disintegrator segments, because the true beauty of Mechapedes is that they can adapt to any situation, anywhere, anytime. If attacking a base and air units appear, not to worry, as soon as you lose a segment, simply upgrade it with discs, which is very effective anti-air.