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Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Tip of the Week #14 - Base Defense Positioning

By L3g3nd4ry - 28th June 2008 - 22:07 PM

Base Defenses have a greater tactical role in Kane's Wrath than Tiberium Wars and placing them in the right spot at the right time can win you the battle. Many players tend to spam them without thinking if it will have any tactical value or strategic positioning, but with this guide and a little experience you can really give your opponent a tough time taking down those defenses. Do remember that base defenses are no substitute for units but again they do have their importance.

Tower Defenses

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Watch Towers, Obelisks of Light and Storm Columns all have one thing in common: the ability to shoot over buildings. Use this to your advantage and place them behind high hit points structures or build temporary meatshield structures; preferably Power Plants that help sustain them. The enemy will have to decide whether he should flank the defenses and risk his units being surrounded or try and plow through the meatshield and being exposed to your army. This simple and effective strategy can ultimately save you the cost of rebuilding these defenses.

Nod Base Defenses

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The Shredder, Laser and SAM turret are a trademark of The Brotherhood because of their flexible positioning. Placing 3 turrets around a central hub is easy, but with a few simple tricks you can make them even more deadly. There are two tactics you can use. First there is the "Spaghetti" formation. This will require placing 3-6 turrets into an interlocking wall which is very hard to penetrate with conventional units. This dastardly tactic is perfect for your front line defense and the multiple turrets firing at once may make your opponent reconsider before sending in his forces. Don’t forget to research Quad Turrets at your Operation Center to give you an extra firepower.

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Secondly there is the "Ghost" formation. This will really help your turrets last longer and save you money. The best way to use this is to find a shield structure and place the hub behind it, now place the turret in front of it or in opposite directions. Because you're placing the turrets through the building they almost look hubless and killing it will be very tricky. Alternatively you use cliffs to build your turrets in very hard-to-reach positions which only artillery or air units can reach.

Anti-Air Defenses

AA Batteries, Sam Turrets and Plasma Disc Launchers can be built practically anywhere in your base, but again with a little thought of positioning they can perform at their very best. Try and estimate where the enemy would most like send air units. The key targets are Harvesters, Tech Centers, Power Plants, War Factories and ground base defenses. One or two AA Defenses may be suitable against Orcas, Venoms, Hammerheads and PACS but certainly not Firehawks, Stormriders or Vertigos. 3 to 4 AA defenses covering each other each other can effectively stop any squadron and certainly survive longer.

All of the Rest

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Unfortunately the other turrets like the Guardian, Photon Cannon, Sonic Emitter and Buzzer hive don’t have very special ways to be position however there is still one trick you can pull off. Instead of placing them before the enemy army shows up, place while they're preoccupied. A Sonic Emitter behind the enemy army can cause serious havoc and practically obliterate anything close to it. Always wait until the enemy is inside your build radius before placing it and make sure you have enough power to keep it going.