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Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Tip of the Week #17 - Crushing Vehicles

By L3g3nd4ry - 19th July 2008 - 17:57 PM

Being able to crush infantry has been a Command and Conquer classic starting from the original game. In Red Alert 2 Yuri's Revenge a new breed of tank, the Battle Fortress, brought a new era of warfare: crushing vehicles. In Kane's Wrath you will have this feature but with a huge difference. There are only 11 units in Kane's Wrath that can crush vehicles. That would be the Titan, Mammoth Tank, Annihilator Tripod, Avatar, Reaper Tripod, Purifier, Juggernaut, Behemoth and of course the 3 Epic units. This Tip of the Week will show you how to best use of your vehicle's stomping abilities with some daring but effective techniques.

In front of War Factory

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The best place to catch units off guard is right in front of the enemy's War Factory. Simply place your vehicle right next to the War Factory and as soon as you see that door/portal open, order it to move to the other side, thus crushing the exiting vehicle. This tactic is exceptionally powerful with Steel Talons because the Titan can crush any other tier 1-2 vehicle.


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Flanking the enemy from the side with a rogue tier 3 units can be very devastating to your enemy if unnoticed. Simply sneak a vehicle around the side of the enemies attack group and then walk right through them. Unless he moves away very quickly he will lose a lot of units. Scrin has an extra bonus when flanking because Tripods can benefit from the phase field support ability which will render them invulnerable for a short period of time.

Urban Crushing

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Try to lure unsuspecting units into your base and then come around the corner with a tier 3 unit or a Titan and crush them. This sneaky tactic is very useful to counter unit spam and most crushing vehicles can shoot over other buildings. Remember to build a few "alley" formations so the enemy's units will be clumped together.

Epic Units

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All three Epic units have one thing in common, they are slow and fat. This means you cannot flank or crush enemy units in your base; however there are still some ways to get their feet a work out. MARVs should always get support with Shockwave Artillery to EMP enemy vehicles for 8 seconds and make them sitting ducks for its treads. Redeemers can get themselves invisible with a Cloaking Field to stomp through the enemy army without getting noticed much. Finally Eradicator Hexapods can make use of a Mastermind or Prodigy to teleport right next to some enemy vehicles followed by an instant crush plus cash bonus.