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Tip of the Week #18 - All in Strategies for Nod

By Sub - 27th July 2008 - 17:40 PM

An all in strategy is a bold move that is generally made at the beginning of the game that gives you certain early game benefits, but if countered, chances of bouncing back are nearly impossible. An example of such would be selling your MCV for an early $1750. This tip will give you some good all in strategies that can help give you the early game victory.

With the decreased amount of income given by tiberium spikes, it is fine to go without capturing them in the early game. The general build order for an all in Nod Rush is Refinery (low power), Power Plant (re-power Refinery), War Factory, War Factory, Sell MCV.

With this build order, you are on low power, but your units are still produced faster than your Harvesters can generate income, so building an extra Power Plant before selling your MCV isn't necessary. Once you sell your MCV, take the Militia Squad and Saboteur to the nearest Tiberium Spike and attempt to capture it.

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Before delving into discussion about the proper units to build, I need to make it very clear and stress the importance of countering your opponent's scouts. Once your first War Factory is built, it is vital that you scout for your opponent's scouts with a Raider Buggy or two. On smaller maps, I would recommend building and selling a Shredder Turret in an attempt to counter your opponent's scouting squads with the squad gained by selling the turret.

Once your Raider Buggies are on the lookout for scouts, it's time to decide on one thing: Scorpions or Bikes. Personally, I would recommend going with Bikes, however Scorpion spam can be very potent in the early game. If you go Bikes, your squad is more mobile, and has fewer weaknesses. Don't attack your opponent until you can overwhelm him. If you attack with too few units, he will be given time to catch up. However, due to the MCV sell, your economy will be more streamlined during the first few minutes of play.

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The most important part of this strategy, is aiming for his Harvesters. Once you build up your bike force, roughly ten bikes, you need to micro your way to his tiberium field and pound his Harvesters. If you are playing against a Scrin player that is keeping you off his tiberium field with Disintegrators, use your original two buggies to sweep them away. If two aren't enough, add an additional few buggies into the mix.

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While this is happening, you should build a harvester from one of your War Factories. If you are in a crunch for money, it wouldn't hurt to sell one of your War Factories. It would be smart to then consider building Scorpion Tanks to mop up any mess that the bikes had difficulty with. The bikes are there for harvester harassment, and the Scorpions are there to take care of any units that have been chasing your bike armada.

Some things to keep in mind before going for this build:
  • Counter his Scouts. If you are unable to do so, you are giving your opponent time to change his game plan and counter your efforts.
  • This strategy has its risks. Nothing is 100% and if you are unsuccessful here chances are you will lose. They don't call it "all in" for nothing.