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Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Tip of the Week #6 - Ravagers

By FuumaMonou - 3rd May 2008 - 20:19 PM

With the arrival of Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath, the factions of Scrin were only given one new universal infantry unit to share. The Ravager is this new unit, and it is a great addition to the Scrin army.

The main combat role of the Ravager is that of support. This is particularly because it is a fairly fast unit on the ground, and this means it can easily get where it needs to go, do what it needs to do, and usually get out without any trouble. Also, the fact that it has a fairly strong attack against both vehicles and infantry means it can hold its own and even win when there are equal numbers of enemy units, making it great for such hit-and-run attacks. Finally, it has an ability called Tiberium Agitation, which just adds to its greatness as a support unit. However, we will get to that a little later on.

Now, the thing that makes the Ravager such a great addition to Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath is the fact that it is almost like a different unit for each sub-faction. This is thanks to the upgrades that each faction has and Tiberium Agitation.

IPB Image Advanced Articulators Traveler-59 only

The Advanced Articulators upgrade for Traveler-59 is an upgrade available from the Stasis Chamber. This upgrade significantly increases the speed of Assimilators, Disintegrators, Shock Troops, Cultists and Ravagers. With the doubling of the Ravagers speed, the Ravager becomes the fastest land unit in the entire game. What this does for Traveler-59's Ravager is make it one of the deadliest harassment units in the game. With only taking two Tiberium Agitations to take out a Harvester, and Ravagers still having very respectable attack power, they become second to none (except possibly to the Stealth Tank) in hit-and-run harassment, especially against Harvesters.

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