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Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Tip of the Week #9: Mines

By N00bKefka - 26th May 2008 - 04:07 AM

Mines can play an important factor in any ground battle. A single mine drop can turn the tide of battle in your favor, whether it halts reinforcements, stops an Engineer or even cripple your foe's armor. In Kane's Wrath there are 3 different types of mines:

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The GDI APC/ST MRV Mines, the Nod Mine Drop and the Marked of Kane Magnetic mines. Each mine serves different purposes and can be used in their own unique way. This guide will show you how and where to use them effective and deal maximum damage.

APC/MRV Mine Drop

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The APC's mine drop is very useful late game. The drop is powerful against abusive Nod players that try to harass with Stealth Tanks. With a mere $500 and some careful placement, you can stop unsuspecting Stealth Tanks and most tier 1 tanks (other than Scorpions with Dozer Blades). Even Gun Walkers take damage from the mines.

Since GDI isn't a stealth faction, most opponents will only think of building an impressive army, consisting of mostly tanks. Laying mines on narrow entrances can help you a lot in defending your base. The GDI Mine drop works perfectly in Small Town USA and Tournament Decision because of the narrow streets and small choke points.

However, if you are on a map like Tournament Dustbowl, the most effective way to use mines is near the key buildings in your base. The last thing about the mine drop is trying to avoid them playing a Nod or Marked of Kane; this is because a typical Nod army mainly consists of fully upgraded Scorpion Tanks with Dozer Blades, rendering the mines ineffective.

What about Scrin players who spam Seekers? If they see a mine field, they will most likely stop and clear them. In some instances, the time your opponent takes to clear the field can buy you some time to build up proper defense against an incoming push. This is a main reason why players don’t tend to use the APC mine drop when playing a Scrin opponent.

Setting APC mine drop depends on your personal creativity. There plenty of mine formation to discover. GDI/ZOCOM is perhaps the only faction that is able to spam mines to throw people off.