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Barett .50 Cal Master Guide

By Guardian - 21st May 2010 - 23:44 PM

The M82 is a recoil operated, magazine fed, anti-material rifle developed by the American manufacturer Barrett Firearms. Also referred to as the Special Application Scoped Rifle, or SASR, it is in use with many armies throughout the world. It is chambered for the powerful .50 caliber round used in the M2 heavy machine gun and is effective against trucks, parked aircraft, radar equipment and personnel behind heavy cover. The first major military purchase took place in 1989 when the Swedish army ordered 100 rifles. The United States quickly followed in 1990 with the Marine Corps ordering 125 rifles for use in operation Desert Storm. It has been manufactured in 7 different variants since its production began in 1982, and it is in use with over 12 NATO countries and over half a dozen others, such as Austria and Finland.
Fun Fact:There is widespread misconception that a number of treaties have banned the use of the .50 cal. cartridge against enemy personnel. This is untrue; the United States Army Judge Advocate General's office issued a legal opinion stating that any enemy personnel may be legally engaged with the .50 caliber round.

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Fun Fact: The barrett and the WA2000 both have the Mr. Yuk sticker on the inside of the scope lens cap.


Fire Modes: Semi-Automatic
Rate Of Fire: Approximately 1 aimed shot per second.
Reload Time: 3.95 seconds; 4.75 empty
Caliber: .50 Caliber
Magazine Size: 10 rounds

Weapon Explained


Boasting a higher magazine capacity, semi-automatic action, and killing power that is equal to or greater than any other weapon in the game, the Barrett is statistically the best sniper rifle in Modern Warfare 2. Many people prefer the Intervention due to its lower recoil, but the Barrett makes up for this in raw killing power and the ability for quicker follow up shots, and as well as less scope sway. One area where the Barrett falls short of its primary competitor is its significantly slower reload time. However, in capable hands the Barrett is supremely lethal. One shot in the head, chest, or one in the groin/stomach area with Stopping Power, will earn you a kill.

The bullet spread for this rifle is user dependent; if you spam the trigger as much as possible you will lose almost all accuracy, as you can see in the picture below where the bullets have actually broken the glass windows. You have to give this rifle just a little time between shots to let it settle down from the huge recoil.

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Standard Sniper Scope: The standard scope proves reliable and effective in most sniping situations; It's recommended that the player pick a non-optic related attachment such as FMJ.

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ACOG Scope:In smaller maps the ACOG scope can be very effective. However, the ACOG is progressively harder to use at longer distances as you are unable to hold your breath.

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Thermal Scope: The Thermal Scope is a great choice of attachment for the Barrett. However, the map dictates whether it is either beneficial or a hinderance to a player. The Thermal Scope makes enemies glow white unless they have the Cold Blooded perk equipped. The zoom is great and the ability to hold your breath is also present meaning accuracy is a breeze at longer distances.

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The Barrett .50 cal is a fairly straight forward sniper rifle to use if you understand how to snipe effectively. Playing defensively is paramount - using cover to your advantage is important. If you know that you will run into a close ranged encounter, it wise to swap to your secondary weapon as sniper rifles are not designed nor effective for closer quarters. Stay behind the enemy lines and remember to check common sniper locations regularly for any enemy snipers or foes in general.

Recommended Class
Barrett .50 with FMJ
SPAS -12 with Extended Mags
  • Claymore Mine
  • Stun Grenade
  1. Sleight of Hand Pro
  2. Stopping Power Pro
  3. Commando Pro
Sleight of Hand Pro helps out in situations where there isn't time to change to your secondary or when another enemy sniper has located you in their sights. Stopping Power Pro adds the groin and stomach area to the one-hit-kill zone and proves useful against fast moving targets. Although Commando Pro is infamously noted for it's melee range, this loadout capitalizes on its protection against fall damage. This proves handy for getting out of someone's line of sight in a jiffy. Claymores are fantastic for guarding your flanks; less time pulling crazy Ivans means more time scouting enemies.

GameReplay’s Verdict

Barrett .50cal: 9/10

The Barrett's extensive reload time and large recoil are only two-bit factors that detract from this rifle's scorecard. The Intervention does not match the Barrett in terms of fire rate and neither the WA2000 and M21 EBR do not match the Barrett's hitting power. For these reasons, the Barrett .50cal is widely considered to be the best sniper rifle in Modern Warfare 2.

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