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Double Trouble: An Introduction to 2v2 in StarCraft 2

By Lynskey - 25th December 2010 - 15:13 PM

General Strategies and Counters (cont.)

Two Base Macro game
The most common way a 2v2 game plays out at mid to low levels. One or both teams establish a position in front of their shared naturals and look to macro a large army off two bases. If you’re looking to do this then it’s vital that both players stay on the same page and both expand relatively early while using Spine Crawlers, Bunkers, Siege Tanks or a large amount of Zealots and Stalkers to protect the front. Some Protoss like to use cannons but this tends to cut into unit production way too much given the amount of cannons needed. Once your bases are relatively safe you should make sure you are building a diverse army and should scout as much as you can to make sure your unit mix is as effective as it can be. If you see a team doing this then it’s best to either make a strong early push exploiting their weak early game armies, make a strong midgame timing push if you have scouted them well and are positive it will work, or to use the contain strategy described below.

Containing exploits the oppositions comfort in having an easily defended natural on 2v2 maps. Set up camp as safely as you can outside their naturals or even their main if the map allows it and look to expand to a third base as soon as you can. Several maps have gold bases in the middle of the map that you can go to if you look to contain. From there you should be looking to macro up incredibly fast building many extra production buildings, Warp Gates or Hatcheries. If your opponents do not challenge the contain you should look to tech to high tier units as soon as possible and get mass upgrades, even building more than one of each upgrade building so you can get more than one upgrade at once.

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Specific Strategies

Cannon Rushes
Not really a team strategy, but it’s worth noting as it’s just as common in 2v2 games, especially maps with individual ramps or large base areas. As the layout and general tone of 2v2 games suggests a two base macro games a lot of inexperienced players will not consider that they might get cannon rushed. Scout near and scout well against any Protoss. Tail any scouting Probes and stay on them even when they leave your base area. Cannon rushes are usually done in 2v2 so the players ally can fast expand and macro up in relative safety while their opponents deal with the cannons. If you ally is doing this then you should be looking to tech quickly in peace, but be ready to switch to intense unit production if the rush looks like it isn’t going to work.

The Overlord and Pylon Trick
A very specific early game tactic that is currently seen as being nearly unstoppable on maps with individual bases. It works just like a typical proxy 2 gate rush, the twist is that the Protoss builds a pylon outside the opposition base, waits for Warp Gate tech and then the Overlord provides visibility to the high ground enabling units to warp straight into the enemy base. This is combined with a frontal attack from the Zerg, forcing the isolated player to fight a losing battle on two fronts. Don’t ask for a counter, no-one has come up with one yet apart from intense scouting and a lot of luck.

Stalker and Lings
By far and away the most popular opening at high levels, it relies on the range of the Stalker and the melee attack of the Zerglings to maximise damage. It is vital for the Zerglings to protect the Stalkers when neccesary rather than just go for an all out assault. If a threatened Stalker can retreat thanks to Zergling protection it's shields will recover and will eventually see the Stalker numbers become overwhelming. If the push still isn't working then adding Banelings into the mix usually finishes the job.