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Double Trouble: An Introduction to 2v2 in StarCraft 2

By Lynskey - 25th December 2010 - 15:13 PM

Specific Strategies (cont.)

Reapers and Lings
This strategy has fallen out of favour with the nerf to Reapers, but still appears every now and again. Just like the Overlord and Pylon strategy it works by having the Reapers use their cliff jumping ability to go straight to their opponent’s mineral line while the Zerglings attack the front. If you try this then it’s important to proxy the Barracks for the Reapers in order to get them to into the opponent’s base as soon as possible. The major drawback of this strategy is that it’s very hard for the Terran to transition out of it due to its high fuel cost, so be wary.

Fast Dark Templars via Resource Trading
A strategy worth mentioning as I’ve been seeing it more and more recently and it can be devastating. Simply put, both players go double gas as soon as possible, Protoss gets four gates and as soon as resource sharing is enabled the Protoss gets sent as much gas as possible to get Dark Templars out and in the opposing bases before any detection is on the field. It’s important for the Protoss player to hide the Dark Shrine in an obscure location, which is quite easy given the size of 2v2 maps. Look for four or more gates but no units from the Protoss player with double gas and if that’s what you see then get a detecting unit at the expense of everything else. If the DTs are defeated then put an extra detector with your main army and attack as the opposing team will be very weak.

Void Ray or Mass Air
This strategy is incredibly common in Bronze to Gold divisions and is a variation on two base macro play. A team walls off and turtles a shared ramp or the space between their naturals while one player techs to air and masses Void Rays, Mutalisks, Battlecruisers or another air unit, most typically Void Rays. This strategy relies on reaching a critical mass of the air unit before moving out, but relies even more on poor scouting from the other team. Be wary of trying it against a Terran, who can scan and see what’s going on very early meaning he and his ally can mass anti-air, or even more effectively they can look to push early before enough air units come out to be a severe threat. When scouting look for fast double gas in the early game and then later on look for multiple Stargates or Starports and few units, or a lack of Baneling Nest, Roach Warren, Hyrdralisk den etc. in the midgame and double gas in the case of mass Mutalisks.

So there you have it! Hook up with your friends on VOIP and get in there and celebrate the Holidays by bashing some skulls!

Written by Lynskey, Star2.org Events Manager
Illustrated by
Lt. R4GE, Star2.org Senior Artist
Edited by
AmiPolizeiFunk, Star2.org Director of SC2