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Mordor Strategy Archive

By Forlong - 11th July 2009 - 00:20 AM

Mordor 2.01 to 2.02 Transition Guide
It's pretty fair to say that, in 2.01, Mordor was a pretty boring faction to play. That's because EA decided, yet again, that one particular unit should be far stronger than all of the faction's other units, eliminating the necessity of unit mixing. In Mordor's case, that unit just happens to be capable of countering
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Mordor Hero Guide
This guide will focus on the different powers of Mordor's heroes and how to use them to the best of their ability in u2.02. Gothmog served in Sauron's army during the War of the Ring. He was the lieutenant of Minas Morgul, second-in-command to the Witch-king. Gothmog is an Orc leader, and very deformed.
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Attack Troll Guide
These brutes from Gorgoroth are no mere trolls. They know black speech, the language of Mordor, and they wield large clubs. They also think more quickly than their cavernous underlings, the Cave Troll. These mid to late-game trolls are purchased from a Troll Cage, which you can hopefully get earlier in the
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Mountain Troll Madness
My master Sauron the Great bids thee welcome... In today's tip I'm going to tell you all about one of Mordor's greatest units - the Mountain Troll. Let's have a look at the basics first: Available from a level 1 Troll Cage Costs 500 resources to purchase Has a speed of 70, which is as fast as most cavalry units
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The Ringwraiths of Mordor
Everyone knows and loves them: The Nine Nazgul, whether on foot, on their dark horses or riding flying Fellbeasts, are the mightiest of Sauron's servants. But how can they be used to full effectiveness in-game? This guide will show you the various ways to use the Ringwraiths and bring terror over any enemy force.
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Awaken Wyrm
The Awaken Wyrm power was almost never used in 2.01. The power was only taken in extremely late game, given that almost all of the powers on the Mordor and Goblins power trees were more cost-effective than the Wyrm was. As with all underpowered things in 2.01, the Wyrm has been balanced in 2.02 and
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What Has Twelve Legs and a Huge Trunk?
No, it's not some kind of super Mumak, it's a Battering Ram. In this Tip of the Week I will explain a few good ways to use the Isengard and Mordor Rams and also the Dwarven version, the Demolisher. Isengard and Mordor are the only factions to have the basic Ram, which you can get from their own Siege Works without
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In One Fell Swoop
In the Mordor versus Angmar match-up Mordor can sometimes have a lot of trouble keeping up with Angmar's spam, with a good mix of units ready for Angmar from the word go. And, sad to say, as the game hits the middle-game mark Angmar still keeps strong. This is where one of the two $3000 Fellbeasts
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A Fiery Shower
Welcome to yet another Tip of the Week. This time we'll have a look at Boiling Oil, Oil Casks, and Magma Cauldrons, and how extremely useful they can be when you need a strong defence. Three factions have this powerful fortress upgrade: Dwarves, Men of the West, and Mordor. These powers can be lifesavers and
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Mordor Fortress Guide
This guide will deal with Mordor's Fortress and the possibilities of upgrading as well as expanding it. As is well known, the most important battles in a game can revolve around a Fortress. Having the foresight to properly prepare a Fortress to the best of one's abilities can therefore change a game's outcome.
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