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Act of Dominance #1 - 1v1 tournament

By -Netput - 24th August 2015 - 18:26 PM

This tournament is over. Thanks everyone that made this happen. More information can be found here
AoAReplays.com is proud to announce Act of Dominance #1! This tournament is to be held Sunday, September 6th at 14:00 GMT. If you would like to join the tournament, check out the details and sign-up information below!

Date and time

Sunday, September 6th at 14:00 GMT

To compare GMT to your local timezone, you may use one of the following Internet services:
WorldTimeBuddy, greenwichmeantime, timeanddate, timezoneconverter.


Game mode: 1v1
Amount of players: min. 8, max. 16
Armies: All allowed, including random
Map pool: Only official 1v1 maps are allowed. Player named first in bracket picks first map, after that loser picks.
Best of:First round will be Best of 1, after that Best of 3.
Duration: This tournament will start and finish on Sunday, September 6th. We expect the tournament to last between 5 and 6 hours.
Prize: To start with you will get a honorable mention on AoAReplays! To celebrate even more, you will also receive a lovely tournament medal in your profile!
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Signing up
You can sign up by hitting the big 'sign up now!' button at the bottom of this page.
Signing up is as simple as replying with 'sign me up please!' However, make sure the sign up also contains a link to your steam profile. Without this link, we cannot sign you up.

Sign me up please!
Ingame name: Netput
My Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/id/Netput/
A staff member will add you to the waiting list and confirm your request.

How to find your Steam ID
1 - Go to the steam pages

2 - On the top right press 'log in'
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3 - When you are logged in, press your accountname and press 'show profile'
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4 - copy the url that is shown and paste it here
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Checking in
Sign-ups will be closed 1 hour before the tournaments starts. Once the sign ups are closed, players have 45 minutes to check in for the event. We will make a separate forum topic for that purpose. You must check in. Only players that have checked in will be added to the bracket.

It is your own responsibility to make sure you check in and show up at the correct time and date. You will not be reminded individually by staff or by a referee.

Result Reporting and Replays
After you played your opponent, it is the responsibility of the winning team to report the victory to a referee and to post the result and the replay(s) in the specified results thread. Players may not proceed to play their next round unless and until the replays (both defeats and victories) from the previous rounds have been uploaded to AoAReplays.com.

Online lobby:
During the tournament most communication will happen in game. The official referees will be available in the lobby Act of Aggression (FR). Make sure to be present here when not playing or while you are waiting for your next opponent.

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