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Maru's Complete Cartel Overview

By Maru - 2nd October 2015 - 10:16 AM

Cartel Structures & Upgrades

Now that we know all of the units that are available to the Cartel, lets take a look at their structures and the units and upgrades that these structures produce.

Headquarters (HQ)

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This building is the epicentre of all Cartel operations, it produces Builder and Recon units essential for the progression of base building and unit production. If this structure is destroyed all other buildings will become visible to the enemy after 10 seconds. It is useful to note that in Act of Aggression builder units cannot be controlled and there is no limit to them. As long as you have the required resources as many buildings can be built simultaneously.
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Breaching training

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Grants the Contractors and Vanguards the ability to capture enemy buildings (imagine required

Medical Subcontractors

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Grants Barracks the ability to heal nearby infantry units.

Force Projection

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Grants barracks the ability to be deployed anywhere on the map

Life Insurance

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In the regrettable case of the death of a mercenary that is under contract with the Cartel, half of its recruitment fees are refunded

Black ops

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Unlocks high-tech buildings and units.

Repair Drones

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Grants all the buildings the ability to regenerate, over time, the damage that they've received.

Psyops Training

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Grants Contractors and Vanguards the ability to assault and capture enemy vehicles.


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The Refinery is the Cartels only way of gathering resources, it is capable of extracting Oil and Aluminium straight away, but requires the Rare Earth Exploitation Module upgrade to be able to extract Rare Earth.
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Stealth Module

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Grants the refinery an optical camouflage.

Rare Earth Exploitation Module

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Grants the refinery the ability to exploit the Rare Earth field in its area.

Extention Module

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This building serves to stock aluminium and expands the construction zone. Building one of these allows you to store up to 500 extra aluminium that you would normally be allowed. It is advised that unless you are using the aluminium as soon as it comes in from the refineries, that you build several of these as you will need large amounts of aluminium for upgrades and units later on.


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This structure deploys infantry units and allows research into technological upgrades. It must be upgraded with the Prison Module in order for most other buildings to be built. Upgrading it with a Prison Module also allows prisoners to be jailed here which each produce Oil for the Cartel war machine.
IPB Image Contractor
IPB Image Grinch
IPB Image Viper
IPB Image Shershen
IPB Image Punisher
IPB Image VanGuard


Prison module

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Adds a prison module to the barracks, able to house up to 5 prisoners

Twin Launcher

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Equips Shershens with an additional tube, increasing their rate of fire

Tandem Charges

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Ransom Network

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Vehicle Bay

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This structure produces the bulk of Cartels early game units, and is useful right up until the end. By spamming Otomatics and Scropio's from here as soon as it's available you can effectively harass the enemy. Or you could opt for a SuperHind strategy combined with lots of infantry units.
IPB Image Scorpio
IPB Image Otomatic
IPB Image Jackal
IPB Image Superhind
IPB Image Scout CGS


Repair Center

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The Repair Center enables the Cartel to repair any of its damaged vehicles. It produces the BREM-80U, which repairs damaged allied vehicles within its radius. The repair depot also provides upgrades for most of the Cartel's private military vehicles.
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Smoke Rockets

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Equips Scorpios with smoke grenade launchers

ZAB Napalm Bomb

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Equips Superhinds with two ZAB napalm bombs. Automatically dropped when flying over the target.

Scout Combat Kit

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Increases Scouts' sight range and grants them the ability to detect stealth units. Replaces the dual machine guns with a flame thrower. Better range and damage, but it removes its stealth when firing.

Strix Shells

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Replaces AMOS' HE shells with intelligent anti-tank ones. Greatly increases the blast radius and damage inflicted on vehicles, but decreases accordingly the damage inflicted on infantry and buildings.

Advanced Software

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Grants Otomatics the ability to target and engage enemy missiles.

Artillery Turret

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This is the first available and cheapest defense available to the Cartel, it offers good early and mid game protection against all ground bases enemy units. It is however, unable to defend against Aircraft.


Artillery Crew Bonus

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Increases the turret's range of fire.