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Maru's Complete Cartel Overview

By Maru - 2nd October 2015 - 10:16 AM

Tokamak Generator

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Generates 8 units of power, if destroyed it produces a massive explosive. Bearing this is mind it is advised to build this away from important buildings, as an explosion could leave you crippled.

Protoypes Bay

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The Prototypes Bay is responsible for produces all of The Cartels more advanced units, from the stealthy Spectre to the incredibly powerful yet expensive Koalitsija. Many important upgrades are also available from this building.
IPB Image Vextra
IPB Image Spectre
IPB Image Koalitsija


Reinforced Frame

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Doubles Vextras' hit points.

Optronic Sensor

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Equips the spectres with an electro-optical observation system and Increases both the sight and main gun range.

Assault Gun Training

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Grants Koalitsijas the ability to engage ground targets at very close range with its main guns.

40mm Auto Cannon

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Equips the Spectres with a 40mm Auto Cannon, able to engage both helicopter and ground units. An essential upgrade to protect Spectres from helicopter attacks.

Barrage Fire

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Grants the LOSAT's the ability to fire two ordnance's in a row.


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The Heli-Pad produces the remaining available Helicopters available to The Cartel, the Comanche and the ShadowHawk.
IPB Image Shadowhawk
IPB Image Comanche


Side-Door Minigun

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Equips ShadowHawks with a side-door Minigun. Also able to intercept missiles.

Air Control Centre

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The Air Control Center is where The Cartel produce all of their Planes and issue orders for them. Planes in Act of Aggression are slightly different from other units in that they only appear on the map when ordered to do an attack run, otherwise any planes produced from here (max 3) will sit outside of the visible playing area until told to enter, after which they will either die from the enemy, or successfully complete their task and once again leave the map until they are ordered to come back into the field. There is a cool down effect however before a plane can be called upon again.
IPB Image X-32
IPB Image Berkut
IPB Image Valkyrie


Phased-Array Radar

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Increases the Centre's air detection range and grants it the ability to detect stealth aircraft.

AARGM Stealth Missiles

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Equips X-32's with AARGM anti-radiation missiles, allowing them to shoot at Anti-Aircraft units at long range.

R74M Missiles

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Equips Berkuts with rear fired missiles that are able to intercept incoming enemy ones.

PYE Wacket Missiles

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Equips Valkyries with long range AA misiles, able to engage enemy targets at 360 degrees around them.

Stealth Lab

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The Stealth Lab is where the Cartel research all their top secret technologies, many important upgrades are found here, it also needs to be built first before many other important buildings can be constructed.


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Grants Shershens and Grinchs the ability to fire their missiles at an indirect trajectory.

Nanofiber Jackets

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Increases The Cartels Mercenary infantry units' hit points.

MRSI Targeting

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Increases the number of shells fired by AMOS and Koalitsijas during a salvo. The rate of fire is also increased but the cooldown time between two salvos is longer.

Passive Receiver System

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Grants Spectres a BAE systems AN/ALR-94 passive radar which reveals stealth units.

Optical Camouflage Bricks

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Equips Scorpios, Vextras, AMOS, LOSAT's, Jackals, Skycranes and Kmax tanker with optical camouflage, granting them stealth.

Countermeasures Dispensers

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Grants Superhinds, Valkyries and the HQ, countermeasures dispensers that will deflect most of the incoming enemy missiles.

Computerized Flying Procedure

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Increases both the speed and agility of the Berkuts and Helicopters.


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This building speeds up the production time of the buildings in its area of effect. It also comes with an upgrade enabling it to stealth every building within its area of effect.


Passive Receiver System

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Every building in contact with the accelerator becomes stealth.

Underground Stock Market

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The Underground Stock market is The Cartels only way of gathering resources once the map runs out of sites to mine on. This building provides the only sustainable resource available to The Cartel, which is rare earth. It generates 4 rare earth every 2 seconds.


Rare Earth Extension Module

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This building simply stock piles the rare earth resource for The Cartel. Build more of these to be able to store up more amounts of the RE resource.

Skyguard Turret

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This turret is essential in any prolonged game where super weapons are expected to come out. It is able to intercept tactical weapons as well as ground and flying enemy units. It must be reloaded between each shot against a super weapon, however up to 5 shots are able to be stored at any one time.

Weapon Tracking Radar

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Increases the defensive range of this Skyguard turret by 50%

Laser Salvo

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Loads the SkyGuard turrets with one ready-to-fire laser salvo. Can intercept enemy tactical weapons. Is able to store up to 5 pre loaded laser salvo's at any one time.

Thor Control Centre

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This is The Cartels' ultimate weapon, feared by the enemy for the terrible damage it can inflict in a single orbital strike. It must be loaded with an orbital strike shot first, before it can be fired. It can only store up to one tactical shot at any given time, so to strike with multiple orbital strikes, you must be construct multiple Thor Control Centers.

Railgun Turret

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The Railgun turret is the cartels secondary and more powerful Turret, an upgrade from the Artillery Turret. It has very powerful rounds that can engage both ground and air units, however it is slow to reload making it vulnerable to multiple units attacking at the same time.

Built-In Electricity Generator

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Allows the Railgun turret to be operational without consuming network electricity.

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