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Spotlight: Interview with LATINO

By CENTAUER - 12th December 2017 - 00:47 AM

GameReplays.Org is proud to present a new edition of our Spotlight interview series with one of the veterans of Battle For Middle Earth (BFME), and a well known long-time player, Alan aka LATINO!

1. GameReplays: Hello Alan, thanks for doing this week's Spotlight. Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Hello, My name is Alan Zambrano, I am 22 years old, I was born in Ecuador and since my 7 years old I live in Switzerland . I have two older brothers which also played Bfme. I finished my studies in June 2017 and now I am working in a Insurance company called Allianz. During my free time, I watch football, play videogames and spend time with my family.

2. GameReplays : Tell us a bit about your online gaming history?

In 2006 (11 years old), I discovered that there was an online mode so I created my first EA account. I started to play 1v1 Quickmatch and I of course lost many games but I tried to improve and learn from my mistakes game by game. During that year, I faced Cesar"Spookyloco "Turcios an Hondurian player who helped me a lot, I will always remember him because he is part of my bfme success. I played couple years of only Quickmatch. After good results in it, I felt like it was not enough for be part of the best players. So I started to play Clanwars and ended up playing with the best players.

3. GameReplays: Why did you join GR?

In the beginning, I used GR to download replays and then to post my replays and diaries.

4. GameReplays: What is your favorite game?

Bfme because it was my first game but Cod4, FIFA, LoL are also part of my favorites

5. GameReplays: What is your favorite game genre? Why?

I have 4 favorites game genres : RTS, FPS, Football and MOBA

6. GameReplays: So, how did you first get started with BFME?

When we arrived in Switzerland (2003), our mother bought each of us one laptop because she preferred to see us at home than doing weird stuff outside. In 2005, Alex and me saw our older brother Adrian playing it, we asked him what it was about and then we bought it.

7. GameReplays: What do you like so much about BfME, that has kept you playing the game for years?

Even though I stopped in 2009, I have made many comebacks because I love this game and have many good memories of old times.

8. GameReplays: What is your favorite army and Match-up?

My favorite army is Gondor and I would consider to be part of the best Gondor players in history. Well as long as I am Gondor I don't care the match-up and with the others armies all depends of the maps.

9. GameReplays: What is your favorite map, and who is your best Team game partner?

I am proud to say that one of my favorite game partner is Buttafly. First of all because for me he is the best player of history.

As Butta said in his interview (I taught Alan how to play other factions than Gondor). I used to pm a lot of pros players in the chat and between all these he was the only who replied me. I asked him to help me to improve other armies and he invited me to join his teamspeak where there was pros players like Maia, Segway. I was 12 years old and I was really shy and they used to laugh about my baby voice and I was only able to talk with Butta in French because I had bad English. My goal was to end up playing 2v2 clanwars with him so I trained hard for it.

Before joining Buttafly’s clan(LeGenD), I played in many clanwars teams and in one of them (PotC) I played with Chyna. He became a good friend of mine and we also became a good team.

When I made my first comeback I teamed with him again. We rarely used a beacon because we knew each other's gamestyle perfectly and had experience playing together. What I liked the most from him was his ability to make weird strategies and still manage to win. To finish my Top 3, I will mention Kerkyra more known as Scop.

When I came back in 2011, he was the first new player I talked with. We played together in two clans. When we team up we are really strong. I like to play with him and of course he is the only one I can speak French with.

10. GameReplays: What would you do to change or improve game?

The best thing I could do is to bring EA servers back.

11. GameReplays: During your time in the community and the game, you played many games vs old players / pros also you learn from one of the best player of this game. Tell us about that time who was the best in your opinion , which game were OP , or some of the nicknames of old players which you remember ?

As I said before for me the best player of all time is Buttafly. I will never forget these years because the game was really active. You had not to wait long for a game you had it instantly and of course the level was higher than now.

There are many op games but concerning myself an op game that I played was versus Axcell because I managed to win having 1 statue left in an outpost.

There are a lot of players that I can mention but there are some: Gamroth, Gerrard, Maia, Segway, Sjosty, Taterz, LiGhT, Miho, Velvegoriantis, Pureburn, Boss, Peak, Orcofbarradur, Grishnakha , Jnrd, Sonkraliniz, A0A,BcVcB, Apmn, Arkurios, Orange, Pallando, Sammy etc

12. GameReplays: How did you improved like you did: Do you watch replays of your own games to see mistakes and avoid them the next time? What role does advice from other players play for you? Which competition improved your game the most: Quickmatch, Clanwars, Tournaments or For Fun Games?

I used to train everyday, to watch my replays, sort out my mistakes and then watch pros replays. Advice from other pros players were crucial. Back time Clanwars was a place for the elite and I was a player with ambition so my level increased by playing in it.

13. GameReplays: How did it feel to play BfME when you had your "noob" time and what is the difference to your current status as a player?

When you are a "noob" the only thing you want is to improve, play the best players and become one of the best so at that point my motivation was huge. It did not really bother me to loose games because I knew I was improving game by game. When I started I had no pressure ingame but when I was more known and I had to keep or reach rank 1 in quickmatch everygame was played with pressure. Also, when I was "noob" it was more hard to join an pro game or observe them.

14. GameReplays: CW history?

I'm only gonna talk about when I was really active in CW (2008) and when the level was higher.

Back time it was more hard to win a warrior trophy or clan trophy because there was way more good teams/players than this last years. A player called Pureburn gave me the opportunity to join his team (aTTaX^) in that clan I played with him, Axcell, Sammy. (Alan is becoming a excellent ally well played. We ended up Silver behind eXp(Buttafly&Maia).

My second clan was PotC, I played with Velvegoriantis, Chyna, Pureburn. We got Silver in September 2008 behind DoDGe(Butta’s clan) and in October 2008 behind LeGenD(Butta’s) clan).(Btw in my oppinion Alan and Chyna are a very good team this month and its hard to win against them.)

November 2008, I achieved my goal and played with Buttafly in LeGenD. We won Gold in front of }Z3R0 (Orange’s clan) and I also won my first Gold as warrior in front of BlizZard(Orange).

December 2008, We won gold again in front of ]DA| (Orange’s clan), as warrior I ended up second behind WaywardSon.

January 2009, we won gold again in front of Stars (Orange’s clan), as warrior I ended up 3rd behind Venus(2th) and Buttafly(1st).

February 2009, Our domination ends due to our inactivity and we finnish second behind Ven. LeGenD stood with a 14 game win streak.

During these 4 months, I played with Buttafly, Miho, LiGhT, Axcell.

15. GameReplays: QM history?

I loved Quickmatch because you could play versus anyone and any level, QM and me =Love.

Even though I was young, I was already a competitor and Quickmatch made me become even more.

When I was a "noob" I used to be matched a lot versus people like, daii-/[ELITE]SpY (Buttafly), SONKRALINIZ(One of best Isens), Arjen Robben (Sammy, he was rank 1 that time), AWan( I lost many games versus his lego strat). To see these persons ranks motivated me a lot and I wanted to become rank 1 also. I sometimes wondered if I was going to do it.

I used to have many accounts which reached the top 10 but after years of train, I got my first top 1 in March 2008.

I was really happy to be above the players that were before above me in the past.

R4ND0M||CH3F Rank 1 &Fast`Rast` Rank 12

But that's not everything ! Here comes my famous account and my favorite one. (My brother Alex created this uberhost account copying n0lot^m0lot).

n0lot^StupIds stood rank 1 for a long moment, (May, June, July,August, September, 2008.

There are two things that come to my mind when I remember this account. The first one is my rivalry with `-RuN`2`CoVeR-` aka Jnrd (Expert, and in my opinion one of the best rohans I ever played). Jnrd, was a tough guy and we weren't the best friends. He was the one who wanted my rank 1 and chased me for a long time until I faced him randomly on a Friday morning 6 AM (European time).

Everyone was waiting for it, a game between rank 1 and rank 2, for me it was like a final because I didn't want to loose my rank and wanted to keep it until December.

The game’s size is 531.21k. Some words by Jnrd after posting it in his diary :

Ok im sure people were waiting for this one. My beginning game was oP got him down to three buildings....then bam i got fucked. Then i fend off his attack and it becomes anyones game. Then we have a stand still for probably literally one hour. He was trying to convince me that i should attack him and then i responded that he had host and trebs not to mention lvl 9 gandy. He insisted i had GC and ara so it wasnt fair for him. Eventually he gets impatient and the game picks up again. Im just glad this is over i couldnt believe how laggy it got at the end. Anyway enjoy, can i get a review on this?
P.S- This has to be one of the longest games ever played where a camper wasnt being sieged all game.

He won the game and became the new rank 1, at that moment I was angry but then proud of what I achieved.(Started from the bottom now we here !!!). I will post the replay in case you are interested to watch it.

The second, is my ban. Yea, after I lost to Jnrd my account got banned because in the begining it was used to sort out if it was an host account. My brother Alex and me used to buy lots of BFME CDs to have the best host accounts. So the first games(1-5) of n0lot^stupIds were to see if it was an uberhost. We were never sure if that was the reason you hosted over another player.

That ban did not shut me down and i got back to the top 10 quickly with the name of L1m3ne^.
Quickmatch Report December 2008

The last Clanwars champion Alan achieved rank 9 by playing mainly Gondor and Isengard on the nickname L1m3ne^. He was rank 1 with the name n0lot^StupIds before, but both his old nickname n0lot^StupIds and his Gamereplays account Reggeaton` have been banned for cheating.

Cern Rank 15, February 2009

THE^PEOR Rank 8, April 2009 (Ladder got reseted between)

Cern rank 3, July 2009

In 2009, I started to play Call of Duty 4 so was not playing as much as 2008 and in the summer I left the game definetly.

As I said before, I wondered if I was going to be rank 1 or atleast top 20 once and yea, I did it.

16. GameReplays: Playing against a Forces of Darkness or Forces of Light opponent?

No preference.

17. GameReplays: Killing a high ranked Gandalf the White, or wiping out an entire castle with a Balrog?

To kill a high ranked Gandalf the White.

18. GameReplays: Army of the Dead or Balrog?

Army of the Dead

19. GameReplays: What do you like (or dislike?) most about the BfME community?

I have nothing bad to say about the Bfme community but something that bothers me is when new players tell me that they are better than old players.

20. GameReplays: What games are you active on currently, and how do your experiences there compare to those from BFME?

After I stopped Bfme in 2009, I made many comebacks but was not the same anymore because there was not the same competitively as before. I left Bfme for Call of Duty 4 (PC) and got a nice career there and got known by the community.

Nowadays I am playing actively FIFA 18 and would like to qualify for the eWorldCup.

21. GameReplays: What are some characteristics that you think help make up a great RTS player?

The more you play the more you will improve. I basically learned more from playing games than watching replays but of course in a RTS game you need to have a good micro, to use the best strategy depending the situation and a good money use etc.

22. GameReplays: How many hours a day do you spend playing games?

It is random but for sure less than before.

23. GameReplays: How has gaming affected your life?

I did not start to learn English at school but at Bfme I did and that helped me a lot in my real life.

24. GameReplays: How high is the influence of micro skills to win a game in 1v1 and 2v2?

Its very important to have a good micro in this game especially with a Force of Light. If you lose a horse due to bad micro it can change your game.

25. GameReplays: When you're not gaming or posting on gamereplays, what do you do in your everyday life?

Studies, Work, Girls, Family, Football

26. GameReplays: Where do you see yourself in 5 Years from now?

Having my own company

27. GameReplays: If you could give one tip of advice to others like you, what would it be?

Once you have learned the basics, make your own strategies, improve your micro, have a good map awareness and always be able to adapt to any strategy your ennemy do

28. GameReplays: If you want to meet a bfme player in real life who would be that player? why?

I already met Orange and Arkurios in my city (Lausanne). I would like to meet JorgeElGris, ReiCasca, Randall, Maradona, Strider, Dunedain.
I have good relationship with the players I speak in bfme but these are the ones I speak the most with.

29. GameReplays: Who do you think is best bfme player right now?

I don’t think there is one.

30. GameReplays: And who will be best bfme player?

There will be not because all the new good players are on same level and due to the inactivity its hard to say

31. GameReplays: QM , CW OR FFG?

Last time QM but now FFG.

32. GameReplays: If you had a time machine, would you go back in time or visit the future?

I would go back in time and play some Quickmatch games again, hehe.
Guys, trust me Quickmatch was the best thing you could have played in Bfme, at least for me

33 .GameReplays: Anything you'd like to add?

A moment that I miss is when Alex and me used to get on skype with Orange, Pallando, Arkurios to to make new host names and try them.

Well guys for me it was a pleasure to share with you all a part of my youngness and I do not regret to have spent many hours in this game.

GameReplays: Thanks!

With that we have come to the end of this edition of Spotlight. If you'd like a particular player to be featured in this series or if you have any comments regarding this interview do post it below. Till next time!

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