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Command and Conquer 3

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Current Top Three Ranks:

1. bike-RUsh+ownz+ (32 points)
2. shocktapus (21 points)
3. shoktrepet (19 points)

Last Update: C&C 3 Tiberium Wars Peace Through Power #2 Tournament

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Command and Conquer 3 Features and Articles


Command & Conquer Remaster Teaser

Sunday, 27 Oct 2019
It has been a while since we last got news regarding Command & Conquer Remastered but today we provide you with an update! In fact, the folks over at EA, Petroglyph Games and Lemon Sky Studios have released the first gameplay teaser for C&C Remastered which you can check out below.Producer Jim...

June-August 2019 Season: Watch all casted games here!

Wednesday, 4 Sep 2019
Welcome back commanders! The June-August 2019 Season is over and in this article we bring you all the casted C&C 3 Tiberium Wars games from it in one place for your convenience.1) shoktrepet vs Kazaams, casted by mkabatsky (Russian cast).2) shoktrepet vs Lumos, casted by Anus Productions...
Special Feature

Featured Replay and Video: shoktrepet against Lumos

Saturday, 22 Jun 2019
The featured-replay-and-video-series for C&C 3 Tiberium Wars finally continues after a long hiatus. In this article we bring you the replay and video of an amazing game played between shoktrepet and Lumos a.k.a. vovken228 on the map Pipeline Problems, which match has been casted by A. Productions...

Player Spotlight: elite412g

Friday, 31 May 2019
On Saturday, May 18th 2019, GameReplays hosted the C&C 3 TW For the Brotherhood III 1vs1 May 2019 100$ Tournament. Our dear comrade elite412g donated 60$ for this tournament. elite412g has also donated money for the C&C 3 TW For the Brotherhood I and II tournaments in April 2019 - 20$ and 50$...

Player Spotlight: cwedvin

Thursday, 18 Apr 2019
Last Saturday, April 13th 2019, cwedvin hosted the C&C 3 TW For the Brotherhood 1vs1 April 2019 55$ Tournament. Originally, the prize pool was 35$ (30$ donated by cwedvin and 5$ donated by the writer of this article - Claymore). However, our dear comrade elite412g donated 20$ for this tournament...

C&C 3: Tiberium Wars - New Map Showcase and Tutorial: Tournament Ridge

Sunday, 24 Feb 2019
Not too long ago, GameReplays presented 12 new competitive C&C 3 Tiberium Wars 1v1 maps. In case you have missed that you can take a look at the maps and download them by following this link.In this article, we are going to take a more detailed look onto one of the new maps: Tournament...
Special Feature

New C&C 3: Tiberium Wars Competitive 1vs1 Maps Available

Sunday, 13 Jan 2019
In this article we are going to introduce formally 12 new Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars competitive 1v1 maps. In case you play C&C3 TW on C&C Online online regularly chances are you have seen some of these maps already. The ultimate goal with these maps is to inject a sense of novelty...
Special Feature

Join the Tiberium Wars Staff!

Wednesday, 11 Apr 2018
Good Day Commanders! The Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars section here on Gamereplays.org are looking for new staff members to join our game team. Community contribution is an essential part of keeping GameReplays.org and its subsequent sections active, fun, and full of regular content. So if...
Special Feature

New Tiberium Wars Expert: shoktrepet

Sunday, 26 Nov 2017
On rare occasion, a player reaches a level of skill, knowledge and achievement that allows them properly to be described as an expert. Today, we are delighted to announce that we have recognized another such player in shoktrepet, who has been promoted to the status of Expert Player for Tiberium...
Special Feature

Tiberium Wars Community Map Pack Project Release 2

Saturday, 20 May 2017
Greetings Commander! Map creator Luvaskot has published the second and possibly final version of his Community Map Pack Project. The release contains fifty maps, including maps based on Predatore's 1.02+ Kane's Wrath maps, the built in Kane's Wrath maps and Kane's Wrath maps by CyristalNova,...