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Command and Conquer 3

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Current Top Three Ranks:

1. bike-RUsh+ownz+ (32 points)
2. shocktapus (21 points)
3. shoktrepet (19 points)

Last Update: C&C 3 Tiberium Wars Peace Through Power #2 Tournament

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Join the Tiberium Wars Staff!

By ~AngelOfDeath~ - 11th April 2018 - 17:30 PM

Good Day Commanders! The Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars section here on Gamereplays.org are looking for new staff members to join our game team. Community contribution is an essential part of keeping GameReplays.org and its subsequent sections active, fun, and full of regular content. So if you think you could fulfill any one of these roles then drop us a line and let us know. If you think you have something to add, please take some time to think over the following positions.

The General Perks that come with all positions

When you're a staff member at any level, the same basic perks are available to you. These include a larger inbox, access to the staff areas of gamereplays.org for not only your own section, but every game's staff forum. So if you want to help out with another game section when you're on Tiberium Wars staff, then feel free! The main benefit is that you get a much bigger sense of responsibility than you do by just being a member, it is also a good chance to earn respect from members and staff members alike. It is even something you can put on your CV!

Discussion Moderator

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Discussion moderator is a great position for those who love the forum experience and like to promote healthy discussions! Moderators are expected to remain active in the forums, guide discussions, and report inappropriate content. Those who think they have what it takes to keep the house in order should PM djw2104 with an application.


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Artists help prepare graphical images for portal posts and articles, usually by manipulating existing material or screen shots taken from the game. Sometimes Artists will be asked to make signatures for members. You will need to have image manipulation software available to you and know how to use it.

What is required from you? The production of images required for one portal article per month.


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Commentators are probably the most well known members of the Tiberium Wars staff. They showcase the best matches by making commentaries, or VoDs of our replays and some have even broadcasted live events.

Since Commentators commentate over matches, you need to have some knowledge of Tiberium Wars although you don't have to be an expert at the games. The most important thing is that you are entertaining and are willing to put in some work behind the scenes, as it often takes time recording the commentaries. Commentators all have different styles, so don't be afraid to apply if your style is different to everyone else's. However it is important that you enjoy making commentaries, as this will show in the videos you produce and will help to entertain the community, and keep them watching your videos.

What is required from you? Two Video Commentaries per month.

Tournament Referee

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Tournament Referee help run tournament events hosted by gamereplays. They help with conceiving, organising, hosting and presenting the results of tournaments. If you have a helpful nature and enjoy tournaments, this is definitely right staff position for you! You must make sure that you can make at least one "free" weekend a month to host a tournament, as they can often go on for hours at a time.

What is required from you? Your help in holding one tournament event per month.

Fair Play Specialist

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As a Fair Play Specialist, you live and breath the respective Fair Play Forums. You must be active daily on the forum, and ensure that all fair play reports are quickly assigned to a member of fair play staff and are resolved within a few days of the report being made. You will need to have a sound knowledge of the game and on-line play, good communications skills and probably some technical knowledge too. You will also be responsible for helping to transfer members' GameSpy names and statistics onto the C&C:Online servers. It is the hardest junior staff role, and requires the most stringent of members to be successful. However, for that reason Fair Play Specialists are some of the most well respected members of staff. Obviously, you will not be thrown in at the deep end, and you will be trained and mentored by Senior Staff before you start resolving reports.

What is required from you? High activity levels and that you solve your assigned fair play reports each week.


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As a writer, you will be one of the main contributors to the Tiberium Wars Portal. You will be in charge of writing anything that you want, as long as it is Tiberium Wars related; whether it be an insightful blog, amusing or interesting article or any game related news. If you've enjoyed reading some of the monthly articles written by Command and Conquer Writers and want to have a go writing yourself, then this is the role for you!

Obviously you need to have good knowledge of the English language, although you don't need to have perfect grammar, as this is something we aim to improve during your time on staff. However, to apply you must be able to commit yourself to writing at least one blog/article/news post per month.

What is required from you? One written article per month.

Strategy Specialist

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Strategy Specialists are some of the most knowledgeable players of a game, they help the community by writing strategy tips and guides for the portal as well as giving members advice in the strategy forums or replay section. To be a Strategy Specialist you don't need to know all of the factions like the back of your hand. Most of our previous Strategy Specialists are experts at only one faction, but their expertise in that faction is second to none. You don't need to be the best writer in the world, as senior staff members will easily be able to help you with writing your tips, although having a decent knowledge of the English language is essential.

What is required from you? One strategy tip or guide per month.

Replay Reviewer

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Replay Reviewers rate replays and write short reviews of the action and the way players played. In future, they may make awards for the best replays, which might earn medals for the participating players. They will let the casters know if there's a replay crying out to be casted. They will make the Replay System their second home, scouting out the best replays but also keeping an eye on what's going on in there.

Since you give tips to other players, you need at least a basic understanding of the game. You don't have to be a top player to spot mistakes though. Just knowing the basics per faction and having some game hours under your belt will help you lot. Replay Reviews will need to have a good enough grasp of the English language to write their reviews but most of all, they must have a passion for watching replays.

What is required from you? 3 replay reviews per 2 weeks.


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Modders make maps or game mods for their game section. The minimum requirement in each case is a matter to be agreed with the Game Administrator, depending on the type of task being undertaken, but like all Staff Members, Modders are required to remain active.

If you are interested in applying to any staff position for Tiberium Wars, then please send a PM to ToxicShock or ~AngelOfDeath~. Remember, we are ALWAYS looking for staff, so you can always apply to any position you feel you'd like to try out.

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