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Team Strategies

By Diploid - 22nd April 2007 - 12:33 PM

Welcome to strategic and tactical training for team games! This is a listing of all the various tips and strategies written concerning team game play.

Basics, Tips, & Theory

Getting Started with Team Games
Team Strategy Specialist AvD brings you this guide which is primarily made for players who are new to the game, but also to those who already have some 1v1 experience and want to...
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Effective Communication
Communicating effectively in team games is absolutely essential to playing at a high level, from both the perspective of your individual play and your team's overall play. You should be discussing everything at all times...
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2v2 Team Synergy
cl0ak, founder and leader of the 2v2 focused clan DUO, shares some of his insights on how to work with your partner effectively as a team...
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Synergy in Team Games
Team strategy specialist MrZ outlines how you can leverage synergies between each faction's abilities in teamgames to maximize your team's effectiveness...
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Team Game Tutorial
Yojimbo252 shares his insights on how team games work and how you and your partner can maximize your play efficiency and teamwork through communication...
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Team Map Guides (Outdated)
Complete, in-depth rundowns and analysis of various team maps. Outdated but still useful in some cases...
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Strategies & Tactics

Dual Wehr Madness
This strategy is designed to exploit the weaknesses of typical Allied 2v2 play style while using the Wehrmacht's strengths to their maximum effect...
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Wehrmacht Openings for Team Games
The MG42 opening is very popular in a 2v2 as you don't have to worry so much about getting caught in the open as in a 1v1 since you have an ally that is scouting for and...
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Wehrmacht Team Game Support Strategy
This guide consists of a description of my main strategy for this patch and also some general pointers about playing Wehrmacht in 2v2s. It mainly describes the role of a Wehrmacht player...
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2v2 Double American Strategy for 2.507
I (OnkelSam) posted this strategy outline at the internal clan forums of Company of Clowns a week ago for discussion. It's nothing too...
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2v2 Wehrmacht Strategy
This is a guide for Double Wehrmacht against any Allied Team combination (US/US, US/Brits, Brits/Brits) For the explanation, I am going to...
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Double PE Strat
Double PE can be one of the most effective combinations in 2v2s. It allows for incredible firepower early (g43s, mp44s, acs, inf hts, mortar hts, at hts, marders) that can knock out British players before they...
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Dealing with AC or Puma Rushes
The Puma and PE Armored Cars are very potent Anti Infantry Killing machines that if left uncountered will devastate your infantry. In the hands of a good player who properly micros these units to kite any...
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Dealing with M8 or Stuart Rushes
The number one priority when dealing with these light vehicles is to not get pushed off the field early. Getting pushed off will allow the Americans to cap and the Brits to entrench and build emplacements, which...
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Hill 331 Allied Guide
We have had quite a success with this allied strategy in 3v3 AT as you can see from the leaderboards. So far we have not lost a game with this strategy on Hill. This guide concentrates on...
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2v2 PE Strat
First of all, double PE is all about good unit selection and doctrine choice. You need doctrine choices to compliment each other as PE is a lot less flexible than people seem to think. A lot of PE units are...
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Important Resources

Find a Partner
Looking for someone to play with? Tired of playing with uncooperative or new players as your teammate? Hop onto the boards and post in this thread solely devoted to helping you get connected with other players...
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Team Strategies Forum
Forums completely dedicated to team tactics and strategies. Each strategy forum has Strategy Specialists who are there to answer questions and help players improve their game...
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