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Kanes Wrath

Kane's Wrath Ladder Wars Finals Season 1
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Enlightenment Acquired: The Arsenal of the Marked of Kane

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After the Second Tiberium War, Kane realized he needed a new army, an army that was absolutely loyal to him. Following this revelation, the Nod leader created numerous hidden installations in Central Asia dedicated to reviving a technology that had once nearly conquered the earth under the rogue AI CABAL: cyborgs. Kane dubbed this army the "Marked of Kane" and, following the Third Tiberium War, unleashed his absolutely devoted minions. The Marked of Kane, with their fearsome appearance and enhanced capabilities over standard infantry, soon struck fear into the hearts of their opponents, and their emphasis on stealth tactics and EMP led them to excel at guerrilla tactics.

By comparison with the standard Nod arsenal in Kane's Wrath, players will note these key differences:

Alternate units: Militant Squads have been traded for Awakened cyborgs, and Black Hand have been replaced by Tiberium Troopers. The Marked of Kane also have Enlightened cyborgs available.

No flame weapons: The Marked of Kane do not use flame weaponry, preferring to use subtler means of destruction instead.

Faction-specific upgrades: Laser Capacitors have been traded for Super-Charged Particle Beams, while the Confessor upgrade is unavailable. Instead, the Marked of Kane get Cybernetic Legs.

Modified support powers: The Marked of Kane replace Mine Drop with Magnetic Mines. Redemption is unavailable.

Be aware that there may be other changes, e.g. prices and unit statistics may differ from the standard Nod arsenal. See our full listing below for the complete Marked of Kane inventory.

For the complete breakdown of the Marked of Kane arsenal, check out the individual pages below:Also, don�t forget our complete tech tree and our unit trees.

This information was compiled using version 1.02 of Kane�s Wrath. Corrections and discussion may be found here.

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