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StarCraft 2 Gameplay Tips

Gameplay Tip

Tip of the Week #12: Now We're Talking Siege Tanks

Sunday, 3 Apr 2011
This week TopStarcraft has some tips to share about Siege Tank usage!Introduction:Hey there everybody, TopStarcraft here to help all you Terran players out with one of our best units: the Siege Tank. I do a lot of mentoring and there seems to be a common fear of using Siege Tanks in any match-up....
Gameplay Tip

Tip of the Week #11: Marine Marauder Drops

Sunday, 27 Feb 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen, this week Ampersand is reminding all you Terran players to be more aggressive with MM drops. Check out his quick tips.Marine Marauder DropsMarines, Marauders, and Medivacs make up one of the most basic, yet versatile and powerful unit compositions for the Terran player. This...
Gameplay Tip

Tip of the Week #10: PvZ Harassing a "Late Gas" Zerg

Sunday, 6 Feb 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen, this week darkstormmm has shared with us tips for pressuring a hatch-first Zerg! Read on.PvZ: Harassing a "Late Gas" Zerg14/15 Hatch is generally not a safe opening for a Zerg player, as it is hard countered by Protoss Forge-first openings. However on 4 player maps in far...
Gameplay Tip

Tip of the week #9 add-on swapping

Sunday, 2 Jan 2011
Ladies and Gentlemen, this week Ampersand has puzzled with the Terran add-ons. Read what he has put together.Add-on SwapThe Terran unit production system has a unique aspect not found in any of the other race: add-ons. The Tech Lab and Reactor are support structures that unlock higher-tech units...
Gameplay Tip

TotW #8 Infested Terrans

Friday, 17 Dec 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen, in this weeks "tip of the week" Captain Obvious gets deep with the infested Terrans, want to know what Zerg does to your infested buddies? Time to find out..Many people far and wide claim Terran is overpowered or at least on an advantage, many top players are Terran and many...
Gameplay Tip

TotW #7 Burrow

Thursday, 9 Dec 2010
Welcome Ladies and Gentlemen to Tip of the Week #7! This week Strategy Specialist xsiLLyx has dug deep to unravel the secrets of the burrowing Zerg, are you ready to read what he brought to the surface?Burrow. What is it?Burrow is an ability unique to the Zerg army. It requires a Lair and may be...
Gameplay Tip

Tip of the Week #6 Queen Defence

Friday, 5 Nov 2010
Ladies and Gents, This week our faithful Strategy Specialist Rekatan has done thorough research on the Zerg Queen. Be sure to read his findings!Her MajestyIntroducing Queen! She enjoys long walks through the volcanoes of Char, and is looking for a man who doesn't mind being eaten alive after...
Gameplay Tip

Tip of the Week #5 Phasing Mode

Wednesday, 27 Oct 2010
Welcome ladies and gentlemen, to a brand new Tip of the Week. In this episode you will be taught the complex ways of the Warp Prism by the great Captain Obvious. Read on for what he has to say!Introduction To Warp Prism PlayWarp Prisms see very limited use in the current meta game. When they are...
Gameplay Tip

Tip of the Week #4 Terran Advanced Scouting Techniques

Saturday, 18 Sep 2010
So you join a game, defend the first push brilliantly, have spot on micro, play the perfect game then BOOM! A giant wave of Carriers swoops over your brilliantly microed, perfectly macroed 200/200 army that cannot shoot air! Something wrong with this picture? Of course there is, you didn't...
Gameplay Tip

Tip of the Week #3: Mental Checklists

Monday, 30 Aug 2010
This Tip of the Week is all about Mental Checklists and how to implement them in your game. The TotW is heavily based on Mr.Day[9]'s Daily #132.The Mental ChecklistA Mental Checklist is something that should automatically run through your head as you play, so you always keep track of the basic...