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The Land Speeder Tempest

By ^Raggy- - 14th March 2008 - 10:55 AM

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The Landspeeder Tempest is the Space Marines Tier 2 Aircraft. The Tempest can be upgraded to combat various situations but excels most against Vehicles with its Krak Missile upgrades which will be covered later. With the Tempest being primarily a Land Speeder with hovering abilitys, the mobility of the Tempest is similar to its land-based counterpart but with additional armour.

Stats & Upgrades

Build Cost: IPB Image 100 IPB Image 125 IPB Image 2
Build Time: 30s
Hitpoints: 1200
Armour: Air_Medium
Movespeed: 36

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Assault Cannon:
Damage to Infantry: 12.5 - 17.9 (Commander: 10.7)
Damage to Vehicles: 3.3 - 3.6 (Air: 5.9)
Damage to Buildings: 3.3 - 5.4

Notes: The Main Weapon for the Tempest does Mediocre damage to Infantry Units, which on its own will not handle any Infantry AV on the ground. Massing Tempests with Assault Cannons will compensate for this weakness.

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Frag Launcher: IPB Image 50 IPB Image 20
Damage to Infantry: 17.8 - 25.1 (Commander: 15.1)
Damage to Vehicles: 2.8 - 5.0 (Air: 5.5)
Damage to Buildings: 2.8 - 7.5

Notes: This upgrade gives the Tempest better Anti-Infantry capabilities by providing knockback in a radius of 35-60. This gives your ground forces an easier time when fighting massed infantry.

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Krak Missile Launcher: IPB Image 60 IPB Image 30
Damage to Infantry: 15.8 (Commander: 23.7)
Damage to Vehicles: 55.3 - 118.5 (Air: 52.1)
Damage to Buildings: 15.8 - 55.3

Notes: Getting this upgrade for your Tempest will turn it into a very good Anti-Vehicle Platform, and when massed will make short work of all but the toughest vehicles. With an accuracy rating of 85% the Krak Missile is well worth the Resources.


The Tempest is a great addition to any army, regardless of the Upgrades you pick, if any. Where the Landspeeder Tempest really shines is in its Anti Vehicular capabilities, if combined with Landspeeders, will make short work of most T2 and possibly T3 units any race might throw at you.