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vCoh Tournament XIII Winners - Sent From Heaven

By The Red Comet - 21st November 2009 - 23:03 PM

Unless you've been hiding in a hole, you're certainly already aware of the recent GameReplays.org vCoh Tournament XIII. We interviewed the winners, team Sent From Heaven. Starting from the #3 seed position in the bottom bracket, they blazed through the tournament without a single loss. Even in their early round matches that should have been easy, they faced very difficult waiting-list opponents that replaced tourney day no-shows. But who are they? How did they do it? Read on to gain an insight into the winners, Ra11 and ntd.

GameReplays.org: Hello Sent From Heaven! Congratulations on winning the recent GameReplays.org vCoh Tournament XIII!

ntd: Thank you, and hello to yourself!

Ra11: Hello.

GameReplays.org: Now, before we talk about the tournament itself, let's learn a little bit more about you. Tell us about yourselves. Where do you live? Who are you?

ntd: I'm 24 years old, I work for my Dad's development company and have been doing that for about a year and a half. I live in Modesto, California, which is about an hour from San Francisco and Sacramento.

Ra11: I'm a 19 year old guy, living in an really small village in Austria. Normally I work at home on our farm.

IPB Image
A self-shot picture of Ra11.

GameReplays.org: Everybody has seen you have a natural interest in Company of Heroes, but what other hobbies do you have? Do you play any other games?

Ra11: Yes of course, I played a lot of Battlefield 2 in the past. Right now I play Rome: Total War (singleplayer) and also some other games. But I'm not as active in them as Company of Heroes.

ntd: I'm a huge sports fan (I'm watching the 49'ers game as we speak.) I play a lot of golf, I'm big into movies, and I love basically all versions of rock music. The weird thing is that I'm really not into video games anymore. I don't play anything other than Company of Heroes (besides a game of Madden or FIFA here and there with friends) and don't have interest in any other games. After I'm done with Company of Heroes I doubt I'll be gaming much. However, I still love Company of Heroes even though I don't play as much as I used to. Though I don't see myself leaving any time soon.

GameReplays.org: Good to hear. So if gaming isn't much of calling for you anymore, what keeps you coming back to Company of Heroes? What makes it different?

ntd: Despite some balance issues because of the diversity of the four factions, Company of Heroes is basically a perfect RTS. I'm not interested in sci-fi games like Dawn of War II, and the World War Two theme combined with all the innovations Company of Heroes introduced to the RTS genre (cover system, squad system, insane graphics for three years ago, etc) just got me hooked. Also, I can say definitively that if it weren't for some of my clan mates who I've gotten to know so well over the years I would've been gone a long time ago (Shoutout to Joe, neubine, Tamiya, Kodachrome, Zerocrack, AvD -- I'm sorry if i forgot anyone!)

IPB Image
A self-shot picture of ntd.

GameReplays.org: A good clan does always make a game even more fun. Now in respect to the tournament, how does it feel being the Vanilla 2v2 Champions of GameReplays.org?

ntd: It feels great, I haven't been able to participate in many tournaments because of the timing of them, mornings on weekends are bad! But I really wanted to play in this one because I love the vCoH matchup. Ra11 is a ridiculously good player and it was a pleasure playing with him. We barely even had to communicate on vent because we were just on the same page throughout the entire tournament.

Ra11: I'm very proud that I have won the tournament, and even more happy that ntd and I won it unbeaten.

GameReplays.org: So along those last lines, what would you say was the element most pivotal to your success in the tournament?

ntd: Both of our experience in 2v2s, by far. Both of us have played a ton of 2v2s, and both of us have that rare combination of good micro and more importantly excellent teamwork.

Ra11: For me it was the very strong team play we had together and the good communication

GameReplays.org: Well it seems that combination did prove very potent! For you, what was the most memorable moment of the tournament?

ntd: Probably winning the first game of the finals, that's when I knew we were going to win. C6Petio and LaFee are truly excellent players but after playing that game I just felt we were a bit better that day.

Ra11: The action in the first semi final, because I thought it was over but then we ended up making it through.

GameReplays.org: Indeed you did! And conversely, what was the hardest moment or match during the tournament?

Ra11: The first match against Siou and Dan for sure. We lost almost the whole map because the axis did very well in early game and dominated us. Because they found the right counter for our Double Barracks strategy.

ntd: The same for me. I played my worst game that match and we were on our back heels all game until Ra11 got his Vet 3 Snipers and Calliopes. He carried us that game.

GameReplays.org: So in order to thank him, will you be using your prize money to buy a ticket to Austria and take him out to a round of drinks?

ntd: LOL, maybe if it was $9,000 but my share is only $90. Besides, I don't think he's old enough to drink!

GameReplays.org: Maybe not here, but most certainly in Austria! So, how will you two be spending your share of the money?

Ra11: I will buy Bad Company 2 when it's released and go out for some drinks. I am legal ntd, at least in Austria!

ntd: I'm going to contribute to buying Kodachrome a new computer so he can make his return to Company of Heroes!

GameReplays.org: I'm sure we'd all like to see that! Thank you for the interview, and one more time, congratulations on the win!

ntd: Thanks, and before I go I just want to thank Ami, Sam, and Knightstalker for putting on these great tournaments. I don't think people realize the amount of work that goes into these things, I've seen it first hand being on staff and watched all the behind the scenes work they do. So once again, thanks guys!

ra11: You're welcome, and thanks.