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New Details on CoH 2 from Gamescom! (UPDATED)

By TitiTwister - 21st August 2012 - 12:28 PM

With the Company of Heroes 2 exhibition opening this past weekend at Gamescom, we have unraveled more information about the game than in all the months past! The press were allowed to play two missions, which equated to an hour of gameplay.

We have summarized for you all the news and screenshots from multiple websites (links at the bottom). As the presented demo is a very early build of the game, all the information below is subject to change.
  • The resource system is a little different from CoH: all points are strat points at the beginning, which you can "OP" in order to get fuel or ammo from them. This results in a fewer number of points (and supposedly fewer sectors), which should make map-making easier. Additionally, players can now capture a point without destroying its "observation post".
  • You no longer need to click on a point to capture it, you only have to stay in a small radius around it.
  • Russian Conscripts, numerous but not great for fighting, can be used to reinforce other squads on the field.
  • The Maxim machine gun has a 6 men crew and a relatively small cone of fire.
  • As shown earlier, snipers come in pairs.
  • Similarly to Dawn of War 2 each unit has its own emblem on the top right hand corner of the screen. It displays the unit's status (including temperature), and allows the player to quickly center the camera on it.
  • Commander abilities are still present. When called in, the IL-2 Sturmovik will fire on a specific location and then circle around the map, revealing and further attacking enemy forces.
  • There is a new injury system for vehicles, completing or replacing the old system. The driver and the gunner can be killed, and if the vehicle is left abandoned, the enemy can capture it.
  • Since scouting has become more important, scouting units are more numerous.
  • Snipers can call in recon runs.
  • As it is now, you have to capture an enemy camp fire for your troops to warm near it. Failing to do that, you can blow it up with a grenade!
  • It seems that tanks can now drive through buildings. Whether they can go entirely or partly through a building is yet to be confirmed.
  • Vehicles have a reverse button.
  • The game's new engine is said to be far more efficient than its predecessor. It should allow Company of Heroes 2 to run on a wide array of machines.
  • Russian Infantry Convos (probably regular infantry) are 6 men squads.
  • Engineers as well as regular infantry sections can be upgraded with a flamethrower.
  • Order 227 is not a persistent feature. It will be used during a part of the campaign.
  • True Sight is only blocked by buildings, tall hedges and such. Small objects such as sandbags or hop-able walls don't disrupt line of sight.
  • Each unit has its own specific range and size of cone of vision.
  • Units' line of sight extends in the direction they are facing.
  • "Tanker crews can pop their heads out of a turret to extend LOS", but are vulnerable to small arms fire.
  • Russians have female snipers.
  • Snipers can only cloak in cover.
  • Attack move doesn't work for snipers: you have to click on an enemy unit to attack it.
  • There is a grid system for hotkeys.
Expect this list to be updated as we receive more information.

Here comes the eye candy!

Follow these links if you would like to have the full read on Company of Heroes 2.