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Sisters of Battle Field Guide

By Ninjabutter - 15th March 2008 - 02:53 AM

IPB Image

Elite Units - Commanders

IPB Image Missionaries - 75 IPB Image 0 IPB Image 1 IPB Image

Missionaries, while not commander units as such, are attachable to other squads as leaders. Their two main uses are serving as squad leaders, and capturing points. Once attached to a squad, they give immediate bonuses by adding their 700 hit points to the unit as well as offering their own damage, which isn't bad. However, their main role is to act as a conduit for Acts of Faith, allowing the squad they're attached to to use the "Emperor's Touch", "Lay Hands", and "Divine Retribution" abilities. If you're being pursued by enemy melee units, you can also branch them off from the squad and send them in to attack the enemy in close combat while the squad they were attached to fires at it. Missionaries detect infiltrated units.

IPB Image Canoness - 200 IPB Image 40 IPB Image +1.3 IPB Image

The Canoness is the primary commander unit of the Sisters of Battle, both on the battlefield and off it. She is one of its most potent warriors in direct combat, one of the Order's beacons of light and hope, and one of the most Faithful of its clergy. On the battlefield, she typically works best attached to a squad, rather than trying to operate on her own. Armed with the Inferno Pistols upgrade, she does very good damage to almost all units, including enemy light vehicles, and serves as a good counter to a Dark Elder Jetbike rush. She also works well attached to a Repentia squad, where she can bring her powerful close combat abilities to bear without being overrun by enemy troops. The Canoness has access to the "Ascension" and "Purifying Light" Acts of Faith. She is obviously a Faithful unit, and contributes 1.3 to your Faith income.

IPB Image Confessor - 245 IPB Image 60 IPB Image

The Confessor is the Sisters' secondary commander unit, a powerful ranking member of the church to lead the squads of the Sororitas into battle. While his direct combat skills aren't quite as good as those of the Canoness, he grants an aura to all friendly troops in his vicinity that makes them more combat effective, increasing their dealt damage. He also has access to the "Emperor's Wrath" and "Holy Edict" Acts of Faith, but does not contribute to your Faith income. The Confessor is immune to morale damage, and detects infiltrated units.

IPB Image The Living Saint - 400 IPB Image 400 IPB Image +1 IPB Image

The Living Saint is the most powerful individual unit in your army, more damaging and resilient than even the Penitent Engines. You must have a Tier 4 force and a captured Relic to even think about summoning her to the battlefield, and even then her cost of 400/400 discourages calling her in for no reason. She does excellent damage to virtually everything in melee combat, and her blade can fire flames at the enemy that do 400-500 damage per hit, as well as 100 morale damage. While she is not as tough as other Relic units, having only 6,000 hit points and demon_high armor, if she is slain, her Miraculous Intervention ability lets her raise again from the battlefield and fight once more. She can do this once every ten minutes. The Living Saint is quite mobile, having a relatively unremarkable speed but two very fast jumps available.