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Space Marine Strategy Index

By Ninjabutter - 10th March 2008 - 14:28 PM

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Space Marines are the fighting elite of the Imperium of Mankind in the 41st millennium. Selected for a life of combat as children, they are given over to their Chapter to be trained over several years to become the most powerful fighting force humanity has to offer.

On top of that training, they are also altered physically, receiving numerous new organs, physique alterations, and many other general improvements that allow them to withstand the sort of damage that would cripple or outright kill a lesser human being, and continue fighting. All of this is then complemented with the best weapons and most protective powered armor known to man, and supplemented by their Chapter's own motorized division of Rhino transports, light attack vehicles, and heavy assault tanks.

Last but far from least, they can call on the aid of their Dreadnoughts, heavily armored walking assault vehicles, crewed by an ancient Space Marine who has been too damaged in battle to continue fighting under his own power. The Space Marines boast a varied style of fighting, not limiting themselves to only a single expertise in war, with strong, disciplined infantry forces and hard-hitting vehicle units.

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