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Sisters of Battle Strategy Index

By Ninjabutter - 10th March 2008 - 16:00 PM

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The Adepta Sororitas, the organization informally known as the Sisters of Battle or Battle Sisters, are the fighting arm of the church of the Imperium. Revering the Emperor above all else, and reviling all forms of mutation, heresy, and witchcraft, the Sisters of Battle are given superb military training and the best possible equipment to pass judgement on the foes of Mankind.

They have a well-earned reputation for using holy flames to purge heretics and aliens alike from the Emperor's galaxy, utilizing flamer weapons on their infantry, assault tanks, building defenses, and even their land mines. Such is the religious fervor of a Battle Sisters assault that their foes are often found on the receiving end of minor miracles of faith, such as critically injured Sisters finding their wounds divinely healed, their ammunition dodging cover to pick out the enemy behind it, or heavenly blasts of light which blind the faithless and leave them easy prey.

Strategy Guides


Faction Replays
  • Sisters of Battle VS Chaos
  • Sisters of Battle VS Dark Eldar
  • Sisters of Battle VS Eldar
  • Sisters of Battle VS Imperial Guard
  • Sisters of Battle VS Necrons
  • Sisters of Battle VS Orks
  • Sisters of Battle VS Sisters of Battle
  • Sisters of Battle VS Space Marines
  • Sisters of Battle VS Tau Empire
    Faction Replays chosen by lolcake, retired DoW:SS Strategy Specialist
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