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Imperial Guard Buildings Guide

By Ninjabutter - 19th April 2008 - 23:35 PM

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The Imperial Guard are the primary fighting forces of the Imperium of Man, drawn from the upper ranks of the Planetary Defense Forces and then given advanced weapons and training. They represent the best soldiers an ordinary man or woman can hope to become without the assistance of things like power armor and genetic modification. However, they often find themselves assaulting, or being assaulted by, hideous aliens, Warp-spawned monstrosities, the traitor legions of Chaos, and whatever else the Imperial Command has decided needs to be shot with lasguns at that particular time. As the Imperial Guard typically lack the fighting prowess to go toe-to-toe with the enemy, they have no hesitation in leveling the playing field by using any advantage they can find. One of their greatest combat advantages is their very own forward-deployed base of operations. Imperial Guard buildings perform the same functions as their equivalents in any other race's base; their Infantry Command serves as a barracks, their Mechanized Command requisitions armored vehicles, their generator works as, well, a generator - but you get the point. However, while other races may fight and die to the last man in the field, the Imperial Guardsmen are perfectly okay with the idea of running back to base, climbing into a building, and firing from a narrow vision slit. Their buildings also offer safe transport through the use of tunnel systems, allowing damaged squads (or non-damaged ones that would like to remain that way) a way to get from one side of the field to the other without getting shot full of shurikens or shoota rounds. The Guard also use their buildings to support their armies, revealing infiltrated enemy units and increasing the size of the local military while the base expands. This guide will look primarily at the combat uses of Guard buildings, but also touch on the more boring aspects of them.

Table of Contents
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Attacking an Imperial Guard defended base in Tier 1 is not recommended.