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Panzer Elite Strategies

By Sepha - 29th January 2008 - 21:08 PM

Welcome to Panzer Elite strategic and tactical training! This is a summary of all of the basic information you need to know about the Panzer Elite in order to be effective in game. You'll start off with basic background information behind the various units and weapons, and then move on to applied strategies with the information you learn. Please click on each of the following items to learn more.


Panzer Elite Headquarters
The Headquarters is the first building available to the PE, it produces Kettenrads which are excellent at capturing territory and Panzer Grenadiers, the basic builder and combat unit for PE. The HQ has additional upgrades...
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Logistiks Kompanie
The Logistiks Kompanie is one of two the Tier1 buildings available to the Panzer Elite, it houses the scout car which is a basic combat vehicle that can also act as an Observation Post, the munitions halftrack...
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Kampfgruppe Kompanie
One of the first two buildings available to Panzer Elite, the Kampfgruppe Kompanie houses both the infantry and mortar halftracks that both have great anti-infantry firepower, tank buster squads can also be bought which are...
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Panzer-Jager Kommand
The Panzer-Jager Kommand is a low-cost Tier2 building that houses the Marder III Tank Hunter which is like a vehicle anti-tank gun that excels at hunting down enemy armor and vehicles, the cheap Armored Car that has...
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Panzer-Support Kommand
The second Tier 2 building available to the Panzer Elite is the Panzer-Support Kommand and the units made from it are used in 3 very different roles. Firstly the Panzer IV Infantry tank is excellent at killing enemy infantry...
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Scorched Earth Tactics
Scorched Earth Tactics are designed to do exactly that, scorch, destroy and exploit the map to the players advantage. Being able to lay free booby traps on strategic points and buildings, destroy strategic points so they aren't...
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Luftwaffe Tactics
uftwaffe Tactics is perfect for aggressive players that put a lot of focus into combat, 4 of their 6 available abilities are units with 2 as defensive emplacements. Fallschirmjagers are the offensive powerhouse of the luftwaffe...
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Tank Destroyer Tactics
Easilly the best anti-tank commander choice in the game, Tank Destroyer Tactics is great for doing exactly that, destroying allied tanks and vehicles alike. With the most powerfull anti-tank mines in the game and being able to...
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Tales of Valor Unit Guides

Hotchkiss Light Tank
In continuation with our ToV Unit guides, DrHorse and VelocityGirl bring you another guide on the new Panzer Elite unit, the Hotchkiss...
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Brought to you by GR's 1v1 tournament winner Dr. Horse, learn about the Panzer Elite's new unit, the Schwimmwagen. This unit comes with...
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Panzer Elite Abilities Guide: Part 1
Calneon, Sjceran, and CharlesDarwin have come together to compose a guide for the many abilities the mighty Panzer Elite (PE) faction can bring to the battlefield. This detailed guide will provide...
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Panzer Elite Abilities Guide: Part 2
Joe, philiwili, sjceran, and CharlesDarwin present the second installment of the Panzer Elite Abilities guide. In this guide you will learn how to...
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Applied Strategy Guides & Tips

Panzer Elite Rules of Thumb vs Americans
The following list details the appropriate Panzer Elite counter for US units. The counters are divided into both 'hard' and 'soft'...
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Double Infantry Halftrack Opening
The original 2PG/2IHT strategy showed some flaws in dealing with US light armor and the British late game, and it was generally inflexible. This...
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Infantry Halftrack Guide
The Infantry Halftrack, or IHT, plays a very versatile role in the Panzer Elite's army. The IHT is built at the Kampfgruppe Kompanie for 220...
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2v2 Panzer Elite Guide
First of all, double Panzer Elite is all about good unit selection and doctrine choice. You need doctrine choices to compliment each other as PE is a lot less flexible than people seem to think...
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Tier 2-Tier 3 Tank Hunters Strat
The basis of this strat centers around quick Armored Cars/MP44s and precise use of the Tank Hunter Tactics against riflespam and motorpool...
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Panzer Elite: Scorch
Scorched Earth seems to be one of the lesser used doctrines of the Panzer Elite, even though it's just as powerfull as the other doctrine choices if used in the right way. Scorched Earth is best used with a high...
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Important Resources

Panzer Elite Technology Tree
Direct download to a print-friendly, complete layout of the Panzer Elite technology tree, abilities, and units in .pdf format...
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Tip of the Week Archive
A complete listing of every single Company of Heroes tip ever written. Over 100+ tips, from overall general tips to faction help for each of the four factions, the British, the Americans, the Wehrmacht, and the Panzer Elite...
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Panzer Elite Strategies Forum
Forums completely dedicated to Panzer Elite strategies including the latest strategy topics and even a Q&A. Each strategy forum has Strategy Specialists who are there to answer questions and help players improve their game...
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