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Company of Heroes Clan Listings

By Sepha - 13th June 2008 - 12:15 PM

Included here is a list of Company of Heroes clans who frequent GameReplays listed alphabetically. If your clan is not listed and you would like the clan's information put on this page, or if you'd like some current details changed, simply PM Seb on the forums. Banner should be 550px width maximum.

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Clan Name: 1 Parachute Regiment
Clan Leader: Madjock (MJ)
Clan Website: www.hq1para.org.uk

Clan Information: -1PARA- Clan has been about for a good few years now fighting away in many games: Black hawk down, Joint Operations/Escalations, BF 2, CoD 2,4,5 being the main fronts to date. We always fight with honour & respect and always ask for our members to do so at all times. Our servers are of top caliber and we manage them to a high standard as well.

This clan is based on multi-gaming and we are alwys on the look out for new games to add to our setup so we can offer a good choice of variety to our members. We will be moving onto OFP2, CoD: OW 2, BF3 and Arma3 so future looks very good for us! tbc...

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Clan Name: abandoned
Clan Leader: d4m & Greatness
Clan Forum and/or Website: here on gr

Clan Information:This clan though founded on a joke, isn't. Greatness and I were talking about how our clans LAID and TRU basically were kinda dead. So we decided to make a clan for those types of clanners. Bring us your tired, your weary, abandoned clanner and call this your home.

We have no tag, nor uniform. You may keep what ever colors you wear when you come and use what ever RO name you want, just stick to it while with us. If you want to use your old clan account, do it. If you want to change your name, just add WasAbandoned to your name.

We're here to have fun and play with others in teamwork like we intended to do before our old clans went down. We'd like to pick up some experienced, mature players, and since you have to come from a dead/dieing clan, you've probably been around for a while.

We are primarily a Company of Heroes clan, but games are games.

Are you recruiting? Yes (abandoned clanners only)

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Clan Name: ArX
Clan Leader: Zukow
Clan Forum: ArX Forum

Clan Information: ArX started out as a group of players who enjoyed teamgames in CoH and by meeting on a free for all ventrilo server (Version: Latest , IP: CoHvent.mine.nu , PORT : 3388). Over time we have become one of the best team gaming clans in CoH and many of our players have become experienced, competitive high level players. Yet we remain focused on the main goal of having fun together, be it among high or mid rank players.

Currently we plan on trying DoW2 and possibly making it one of our main games should it be as much fun as CoH.

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Clan Name: Australasian Expiditionary Forces
Clan Leader: MattStone
Clan Forum: http://www.aef-hq.com.au

Clan Information: The AEF is a large Oceanic based clan with over 300 members playing a range of games. We are looking for players whatever your skill to come and join our growing RTS division. The AEF play competitive CoH on an Australian based ladder but also have social members who play just for fun.
If your looking for a multi-gaming community in a relaxed mature enviroment please check us out.

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Clan Name: -=Billy_Mays_PMC=-
Clan Leader: Poontang88/Kurtzes123 joint coordination
Clan Forum and/or Website: n/a atm

Clan Information: Focused on COH gamers of all skills interested not only in the game but the era and only require the will to better yourself. A very laid back and humerous group most of whom are either serving or ex-service members of the Australian Defence Force. This however is not a requirement as we are open to all. If you enjoy gaming then "Shut your whore mouth when Billy Mays is talking!!!" look forward to gaming with you.

Are you recruiting? Yes we are, PM Myself Poontang88 if you are interested and any clan members only need to add to there game name before or after it and are encouraged to make the motto your forum signature for shits and giggles however this is also not required. Cheers to all.

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Clan Name: Company of Clowns
Clan Leader: OnkelSam
Clan Forum: Company of Clowns Forum

Clan Information: We have the motivation to play CoH at a competitive level without any pressure to become pro. The other primary goal is to have a friendly atmosphere between our members to have a basis for good comunication and having fun while playing the game together, as well as discussing strategies and improve our skills.

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Clan Name: Dark Anarchists
Clan Leader: FearMe
Clan Website: http://www.darkanarchists.com

Clan Information: Dark Anarchists is an online gaming clan made up of individuals from all over the world. Our goal is fun, respectful gaming that we can all enjoy. Born from years of gaming, planning and frustrating clan politics Dark Anarchists is a high quality clan created to develop gamers that want a strong gaming community, good friends, good competition, and lots of fun.

Respectful, fun gaming is critical to a strong gaming community and Dark Anarchists is dedicated to achieving this. Our members and friends have many, many years experience in online gaming and are well respected in the gaming community. We pride ourselves on building a clan that is friendly, hardworking, and most importantly fun.

Come on in and look around; register with the site and go to our forums. You will find lots of topics on various games, strategies, helpful hints, and stories; plus lots of other topics. We just ask everyone to be respectful of others and have fun...

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Clan Name: Death From Above
Clan Leader: Moliat
Clan motto: Professional (team)play in a casual and mature atmosphere.
Clan Website: www.dfagaming.org
Recruitment Link: http://dfagaming.org/cohrecruitment

Clan Information: Death From Above is an international clan with 40+ members from around the world. Originally a Battlefield Vietnam clan, Death From Above has primarily been playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 for nearly a year. We recently branched out to include Company of Heroes. Interested individuals should follow the directions on the recruitment topic linked below. Applicants will undergo a trialist period, during which DFA members will decide whether or not they will be promoted.

You do not have to be an RTS god to join, but you have to be know how to kick back, relax and have a good time while playing to improve your game.

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Clan Name: EPIC
Clan Leader: HERO
Clan Website: http://www.clanepic.com/
Clan Forum: EPIC Forum

Clan Information: Invitational only high level gaming clan

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Clan Founder: ECFotheringill
Clan Website: http://www.ec-coh.com/news.php

Clan Information: Easy Company is a clan for adults only. We are a friendly group and most of us prefer 3v3 and 4v4 games. We meet at all times of the day or night in the Prague chat channel. We are more of a friendly group of people rather than cutthroat, anything goes, players.

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Clan Name: Elite Enforcement
Clan Leader: Medesicaste
Clan Website: http://eliteenforcement.ueuo.com/
Clan Forum: http://eliteenforcement.s4.bizhat.com/

Clan Information: This is a new clan that is made to make fun! But you can also sign up for matches! Evrybody can join this clan if they want! For more info go to our website or ask on our forum!

Are you recruiting? Yes

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Clan Name: Reborn
Clan Leader: AmiPolizeiFunk
Clan Forum: Reborn Forum

Clan Information: Led by AmiPolizeiFunk and Budwise, Reborn continues its tradition of high level play with a fun twist. We pride ourselves in "Going Against the Grain" and encourage creative new strats and gameplay styles. Join us on Ventrilo at IP Port 3881.

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Clan Name: Reign of Madness
Clan Leader: warhawks
Clan Website: www.ReignofMadness.org
Clan Forum: Reign of Madness Forum

Clan Information: This newly created clan is looking for members who want to create a gaming experience where players seek to be the best they can but also play for fun. Members of Reign of Madness each play a part in helping the clan grow by contributing in a way that brings value to the clan, that is, each member needs to play their part in the success of the clan. Whether you prefer to play 1v1s, 2v2s or any type of game where maturity and fun take precedence, then Reign of Madness is for you.

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Clan Name: Stomach Battalion
Clan Leader: Victorinox
Clan Forum: Stomach Battalion Forum

Clan Information: "Great! More old farts for the stomach battalion!" --Volksgrenadier squad commander

Stomach Battalion is a home for Company of Heroes players of all skill levels who are relative "old farts" compared to your average 16-24 year old player and are looking to meet up with other players in a smilar age bracket. We're open to players 25 years old and up. Stomach Battalion welcomes players looking for a fun/social place to hang out and enjoy fun laid back games as well as more competitive players who are interested in advancing their skills and competing in tournaments.

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Clan Name: SUPER
Clan Leader: Porta
Clan Website: SUPERclan

Clan Information: Primarily a fun based clan who like to lay at high levels, have teams in various ladders, and players in ranked and AT. Our primary goal is to enjoy COH, have some fun and blow stuff up! Australian based we have over 70 members, playing in various RTS and FPS games, primarily of the WWII nature.

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Clan Name: |TCO| The Chosen Ones
Clan Leader: TCO COH reps |TCO|Steve or |TCO| Bellicosity |TCO|Wind |T|tk421
Clan Website: http://www.theammocan.com
Clan Forum: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TCOCOH

Clan Information: So this was made so people looking for COH players could find TCO members to play COH. We have a ventrilo open to guests, so pm a TCO member if you are ever looking for a game. Hit us up on steam community @ http://steamcommunity.com/groups/TCOCOH find a member that's on give em a ring. We can normally farm multiple games.

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Clan Name: Temperment - |TEMP|
Clan Leader: Nosf3ratu/Seamus
Clan Forum: Temperment Forum

Clan Information: Temperment was founded by Seamus and Nosf3ratu. We decided to make a clan for all members to get together and have fun! We are pretty easy going and like to have a laugh. We are planning to play competitively as soon as we get more members, like to play a few clan wars etc. However we will not accept cheaters/drophackers! We have quite a mixture of level players some are high some are low but the higher level players are willing to help and improve anyone in the clan which will want the help.

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Clan Name: Triple Threat Clan (IxXxI)
Clan Leader: Valdarez
Clan Website: http://www.triplethreatclan.com

Clan Information: Running a public ts. More info on our website.

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Clan Name: TRU
Clan Leader: skaffa
Clan Forum: TRU Forum

Clan Information: It all boils down to the fact that you're jealous of our paper stack.

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Clan Name: xFsGx
Clan Founders: NoobDude, p00ka and MMP
Clan Website: http://www.xFsGx-clan.com

Clan Information: Teamspeak info can be found on our website. The FsG clan is a fun, friendly and competitive clan for all ages with over 90 members. Our players are mid to high level. We mostly play 3v3 and 4v4 games, however we do occasionally play smaller matches. FsG members generally plays CoH, we also play CoD WAW and others. Come join us any day or night.