Tuesday, 31 Jan 2017
Greetings, welcome to another iteration of Quick Hero Guide! Today, let's see how we can play with Reinhardt effectively.Reinhardt is the back bone of most front-line focused hero compositions. If the other team doesn't have flankers, you can just push and push and push. Reinhardt is very good...
Tuesday, 11 Oct 2016
Greetings, welcome to another iteration of Quick Hero Guide! Today, let's see how we can play with Pharah effectively.Pharah is very comparable to Junkrat in terms of damage. Pharah's rockets and Junkrat's grenades both do 120 on a direct hit. The main difference being Junkrat has a considerably...
Friday, 7 Oct 2016
Let us proudy present our Quick Hero Guide series, where we will bring you a short, intense guide packed full of useful information and pointers on how to play with a particular hero.Today, let's see how we can play with Junkrat effectively.Junkrat's main strength is how much damage output he...
Tuesday, 4 Oct 2016
Let us proudy present our Quick Hero Guide series, where we will bring you a short, intense guide packed full of useful information and pointers on how to play with a particular hero.Today, let's see how we can play with McCree effectively.McCree is one of the better heroes in Overwatch. He has...
Friday, 30 Sep 2016
Let us proudy present our Quick Hero Guide series, where we will bring you a short, intense guide packed full of useful information and pointers on how to play with a particular hero.Today, let's see how we can play with Mei effectively.Mei was one of the weaker heroes, and still kind of is, but...
Tuesday, 27 Sep 2016
Greetings, welcome to another iteration of Quick Hero Guide! Today, let's see how we can play with Lucio effectively, who is one of the two stable support characters in Overwatch. Mercy being the other.Lucio has received quite a few nerfs over time. Why? He is a solid support and is very likely...
Saturday, 17 Sep 2016
Greetings, welcome to another iteration of Quick Hero Guide! Today, let's see how we can play with Genji effectively.Starting with an obvious one, your dash resets every time you get an elimination. Whether it's a kill or kill assist, if your dash is off cooldown, it will be reset after an...
Sunday, 11 Sep 2016
Greetings! GameReplays proudly present another guide in our Quick Hero Guide series. This series will bring you a short, intense packed guides full of useful information and pointers on how to play with a particular hero.Today, it's all about Bastion.Bastion is all about surprise. He is easily...
Sunday, 4 Sep 2016
Greetings, this week GameReplays will be showcasing another quick hero guide. This time with Hanzo!Today, let's see how we can play with Hanzo effectively.Hanzo is pretty straight forward: You either aim well enough to gain a lot of kills or your can't even hit a target and you do nothing. Not a...
Friday, 26 Aug 2016
Greetings, Gamereplays proudly presents a new Quick Hero Guide series, where we will bring you a short, intense guide packed full of useful information and pointers on how to play with a particular hero.Today, it's all about D.Va.D.Va is relatively straight forward. Due to that, this section...