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Act of Aggression News


Forged Battalion Portal Launch

Monday, 29 Jan 2018
Commanders and Generals,GameReplays.Org is proud to announce that we are officially supporting a new community for the upcoming RTS from Petroglyph Studios and Team 17, Forged Battalion! The game offers a unique twist on the classic RTS genre by offering a wide and deep layer of customisability...

Gamereplays Discord Server Launched! Join the chat!

Thursday, 13 Apr 2017
Hello fellow gamers! Gamereplays have opened our own Discord server, with a channel for each of our active games and more. Discord is a text and voice chat service designed specifically for gamers and gaming. It comes with Steam and Twitch integration and plenty of fun features to keep...

Happy Holidays from GameReplays.org!

Saturday, 24 Dec 2016
Seasons Greetings! All the members of the GameReplays.org staff team would like to wish you a safe and very happy, healthy Christmas and New Year!We hope this year has been a good one for you, and we hope you have many alcohol-fuelled celebrations during this festive season and of course, to...

Gamereplays is looking for Artists!

Wednesday, 28 Sep 2016
Good Day! Here at Gamereplays.org we're looking for new Artists to join our game teams! When your a staff member at any level, you'll get some nice extra perks. These include a larger inbox and access to the staff areas of Gamereplays.org. However Artists get some extra perks, which are basic...

AoA Reboot Beta Patch v.296

Tuesday, 29 Mar 2016
We've received a new patch for the Act of Aggression Reboot beta today. Lots of changes regarding building HP! Read more in the official announcement: BUG FIXES : - Fixing a bug occurring sometimes with the K-Max harvesting capacity.  - Fixing a bug occurring when the destruction...

Reboot edition beta starts on Monday + more info

Saturday, 19 Mar 2016
Great news for everyone that is looking forward to the huge new patch for Act of Aggression that is called 'Reboot Edition'. The Beta will start this Monday and will last 3 weeks! Join Act of Aggression: Reboot Edition beta Available for free to every owner of Act of Aggression, the beta will...

Let’s start #12 (Reboot Edition): Base Building

Monday, 14 Mar 2016
If you haven't heard it yet, Act of Aggression will receive a new edition that will totally overhaul the game! This edition will be released separately and will be called 'Reboot Edition'. It seems Eugen Systems is very serious about this as they released a new article in their famous 'let's...

Act of Aggression: Reboot Edition announced!

Saturday, 12 Mar 2016
Exciting news! Act of Aggression will return bigger and better then ever! It’s been some time now since we last posted an update here about our plans for Act of Aggression. But don’t worry, we haven’t moved away from the game. Quite the contrary.When we started working on this project, our goal...

50% off Act of Aggression!

Tuesday, 2 Feb 2016
Great news! If you've not yet gone out of your way to pick up your copy of Act of Aggression in any of the multiple winter sales, then here's another chance; as it's currently 50% off on Steam! (Offer ends February 5th)Still not sure if Act of Aggression is your cup of tea? Check out the video...

Patch v.739 (Replay Hotfix)

Sunday, 13 Dec 2015
A small patch released today!We are releasing a small patch today, with the same version number as the previous one.It will fix the replay bug, preventing to play the replays from version 737 or older.Source: Official Forum Post