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Heroes of Newerth

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Heroes of Newerth Hero Guides

The Heroes of Newerth Beginner's Guide
Hero Guide

Midas: A Touch of Gold

Monday, 16 Apr 2012
This guide will be about Midas, one of the most flexible heroes in the game right now. This hero is amazingly strong when played right, but merely a shadow of what he could be in the hands of a player who doesn't understand him. The key aspects to successfully play this hero will be your timing,...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Nomad Guide

Wednesday, 14 Dec 2011
This is a guide about Nomad, a hero that's all about mobility and teamfight awareness, if you can pull it off it's one of the strongest heroes and you'll wreck in teamfights, but if you play him wrong you'll probably get killed in one big CC chain before you can do anything.NomadWriters...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Rampage Guide

Tuesday, 16 Aug 2011
An oh so manly hero, many times forgotten or underestimated, but never forget the power of Rampage. Or maybe more so Manpage.When to (Not) Pick This HeroThis is very important and not a lot of people do it right. It's common sense. Picking a hero when the enemy has a lot of easy counters will...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth The Dark Lady Guide

Tuesday, 24 May 2011
The Dark Lady is a very powerful hero throughout the game, due in large part to her incredible farming capacity and two extremely powerful steroid skills. If she manages to get farmed she can break the game like no other Hero and is able to turn seemingly lost games around. Combine that with a...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Flint Beastwood Guide

Wednesday, 9 Mar 2011
This guide will aim to teach you about Flint Beastwood, a hero with a play style that attracts many players of various skill levels, requiring a certain finesse which, if executed successfully, can swing the odds of victory in your favour. This is, however, a fine line: poorly played, Flint's...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Pebbles Guide

Tuesday, 15 Feb 2011
Pebbles is the most powerful one man ganking machine that has ever wandered on Newerth. His burst potential is unrivalled and in the right hands he can almost single handedly win games by causing absolute mayhem within the enemy lines. Sounds like fun? Trust us, fun doesn't even come...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Pollywog Priest Guide

Saturday, 15 Jan 2011
Meet Pollywog Priest, a direct port from Defense of the Ancients' Shadow Shaman. A hero that was used extensively in the now-gone pushing meta-game, where he was picked for his incredible pushing power and solid laning phase, but whose popularity has now waned somewhat. Though these times may...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Pandamonium Guide

Thursday, 9 Dec 2010
A potent and deadly Legion warrior, Pandamonium is a powerful semi carry who relies on Physical damage and displacement to quickly assassinate an enemy hero or cause great chaos with his stuns. With two of his skills relying on his base Strength, Pandamonium becomes stronger as the game...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Witch Slayer Guide

Saturday, 4 Dec 2010
Witch Slayer is a support hero whose main role is stunning the opposition before they can run in and do any damage. His mana drain ensures that you can throw as many stuns at the opposing heroes without worrying about running low on mana. Witch Slayer’s ultimate is a powerful nuke that has a...
Hero Guide

Heroes of Newerth Hellbringer Guide

Saturday, 16 Oct 2010
Meet Hellbringer, a somewhat close resemblance to Warlock from Defense of the Ancients. A hero so powerful that he has been an auto-ban in the competitive scene for quite some time, forcing S2 to nerf him several times in order to balance him out. Having the ability to completely force enemies...