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Supreme Commander 2 Features and Articles


Winners circle

Thursday, 8 Oct 2020
Welcome to the GameReplays.org Supreme Commander 2 Winners' Circle! Want to know who's won how many tournament? We've got the answer for you, as this list shows definitively who the top Supreme Commander 2 players are, in order of tournament wins. Of course, the breakdown isn't necessarily...
Special Feature

Mod Spotlight: Eternal Conflict DLC

Saturday, 19 Nov 2011
Supreme Commander 2 was published in March 2010 with the Infinite War Battle Pack following in March 2011. The mod community has been strong for previous titles such as Total Annihilation and Forged Alliance. Modders have offered new units and roles that previously never existed. In many ways...

DLC Tournament IV - After Action Report

Wednesday, 12 Oct 2011
Another Supreme Commander 2 tournament was held last Saturday and was quite a success. All thirty-two slots filled quickly and players duked it out in five rounds. As the nuclear dust of former commanders settled, only 00_Gundam_Exia's ACU remained for the glory and an interview. Several games...

DLC Tournament III - After Action Report

Wednesday, 20 Jul 2011
It was time to dust of the commander's boots last Friday as GameReplays.org held the Supreme Commander 2 DLC Tournament III. All 32 slots were filled up pretty quickly showing that there are still people playing the game and are interesting in competitive play. After five rounds DaemonicKnight...
Special Feature

"Be Creative" Replay Contest

Monday, 31 Jan 2011
Good day ladies and gentlemen!Today we bring you a challenge in the form of a replay contest. This competition will test your ingenuity, determination and above all your creativity. The goal of this competition will be to increase creativity within the community and this will also be a chance for...
Special Feature

The Supreme Commander 2 Section is Recruiting!

Saturday, 8 Jan 2011
You read correctly! The GameReplays.org Supreme Commander 2 staff needs you!You might ask yourself what you have to gain from becoming a member of our staff and subjecting yourself to actually working for the people of this community. There are a number of reasons why you should really consider...
Special Feature

GRSUPCOM2 IRC Chat Channel Announcement (#GRSupCom2)

Wednesday, 22 Dec 2010
Gamereplayers!We are pleased to announce the addition of a GameReplays Supreme Commander 2 IRC Channel! Here you can discuss various GameReplays Supreme Commander 2 events, content and Livestreams. Supreme Commander 2 IRC Chat ChannelServer - irc.foonetic.net/GRSupCom2Password - gr1 (For general...
Special Feature

TheWord's Guide to making Video Casts

Sunday, 14 Nov 2010
This is an easy tutorial of how to make a VoD(Video on Demand) for Supreme Commander 2 and other games.First thing you need is Xfire, and you can download it here. It's free and simple to use. Once you have set up a account you need to make sure that your settings are set up correctly. Here is a...
Special Feature

Ask a Strategy Specialist

Sunday, 3 Oct 2010
Have you ever wondered if you can crash a Air Fortress into a nuke silo that is firing and if the nuke would hit it? Have you ever wondered if you could kill a Fatboy with a Harvog by running around it? Are you puzzled by any game aspect or mechanic? Fear no more! Our strategy specialists here at...
Special Feature

Supreme Commander 2 Challenge - Prime Target

Sunday, 5 Sep 2010
Participate in the first Supreme Commander 2 challenge on the released game! You will find joy in competing with others in this little contest. It is a simple yet challenging task to master.I challenge you: Beat the first UEF mission, Prime Target, of the game as fast as possible on the 'hard'...