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Act of Aggression Strategies

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Strategy Guide

Maru's Complete Cartel Overview

Friday, 2 Oct 2015
This guide will provide a database of all the Cartel units, buildings and upgrades available and a quick description of their price, armaments and what they are best used for. Whenever you see a upgrade mentioned, please refer to page 4 and page 5 of this guide for a detailed explanation about...
Strategy Guide

Viewpoint #2 - Walk Through The Valley Of Death

Saturday, 19 Sep 2015
Welcome to part two of Viewpoint. In this series, we will take a deeper look at how the resource scattering system of Act of Aggression works. It answers questions like: "Where can I find the resources?" and "Is it really random where the resource fields appear or is there a hidden scheme behind...
Strategy Guide

US Anti-Tank Light Vehicle Comparison

Thursday, 17 Sep 2015
At first glance the options that the United States faction has for killing vehicles in the early and mid game. Though Javelins are great for their cost, the slow speed limits them to use within buildings or troop transports. The motorized options the faction has for dealing with enemy vehicles...
Strategy Guide

Chimera Infantry Overview

Thursday, 10 Sep 2015
This guide gives a brief overview of Chimera’s infantry and their upgrades.FELINArmament: FAMASHit Points: 7Cost: 250 The FELIN is the basic infantry unit of the Chimera in Act of Aggression. FELINs are armed with a FAMAS assault rifle, and are able to occupy buildings and capture POW (prisoners...
Strategy Guide

Replay pack available from the top players!

Thursday, 3 Sep 2015
Act of Aggression is a new game and a lot of players are struggling to get a good build order going. Of course some of the players played a lot of games in the Beta already and therefore are more experienced. It is a surprise that they are willing to help the new community members though! We've...
Strategy Guide

Viewpoint #1: Introduction

Saturday, 29 Aug 2015
Welcome to part one of Viewpoint. This is a new series in which we will take a deeper look at how the resource scattering system of Act of Aggression works. It answers questions like: "Where can I find the resources?" and "Is it really random where the resource fields appear or is there a hidden...
Strategy Guide

How to counter Cartel

Wednesday, 19 Aug 2015
Countering Cartel may seem like a difficult thing to do, but they have a weakness that is hard to avoid. In this guide I will explain some strategies that will help you counter them, and give you a better idea of how they work. This applies to both Chimera and U.S. Army.U.S. Army The U.S. Army is...
Strategy Guide

Onyx's Chimera Tigre Strategy

Friday, 14 Aug 2015
Hello fellow Act of Aggressions players! Today we have a new guide that should help you counter just about any type of aggression you face!This strategy is based mostly on macro, so it's extremely important to practise this strategy as much as you can. If you're not familiar with the Chimera...
Strategy Guide

Onyx's Chimera Economy Boost Strategy

Sunday, 2 Aug 2015
Chimera has many perks mostly depending on resource fields. This strategy focuses on economic management in order to build an army faster than the USA and it works really well in any game mode, whether it's a 1v1 or 4v4.First, we build one refinery over some oil fields in the center to harvest...
Strategy Guide

Tip Factory #6 - Hotkeys

Saturday, 25 Jul 2015
Act of Aggression provides a multitude of useful hotkeys. But first, each player has to master them. That's why we made a small list. The shortcuts for each unit and building can be found in the construction menu right next each unit / building / upgrade. Heads up for all the Act of War veterans...